2.0.0 (2024-12-13)
- use chezmoi template and run_onchange
- add alfred (5313fe7)
- add alfred workflows (aee1019)
- add digrc (b8f2ce4)
- add gitlab git config (74f9bf1)
- add iterm2 (8ae39af)
- add p10k config (eff17e3)
- add rectangle (3f9adc4)
- add vimrc (63003f2)
- remove google-chat (124753c)
- remove scw git config (7c319e4)
- use chezmoi template and run_onchange (75e6b52)
- vscode: disable crd (1fc2224)
- cask bruno (f81336a)
- export homebrew path (ad24c85)
- gitlab ref (4d81363)
- helm-docs (106fa39)
- set absolute path (ad11069)
1.9.0 (2024-01-18)
- add gcloud, helmfile and terragrunt (3db162a)
- gpg: update GPG key (e54c6db)
- remove unused apps (6e544c1)
- use ssh instead of https (78ffbeb)
- vscode: add sql format (5c466a2)
- vscode: remove file associations (97e9102)
- add gcloud and fix path for powerlevel10k (2390e93)
- change message to init with ssh (09b0244)
- path for pinentry (99e1396)
1.8.0 (2023-07-05)
- brew: add grpcurl (ee61156)
- brew: add ipmitool (5b6b4fb)
- brew: add kubeconform (ae5f187)
- brew: add nagstamon (fb50bcb)
- brew: add nomad (2123a7c)
- brew: add prometheus (ac6370a)
- brew: add python black formatter (5de0994)
- brew: add scaleway-cli 💜 (a8ae3f4)
- vscode: add formatter for yaml (d7ea6ec)
- vscode: add hashicorp extensions (hcl and terraform) (c7a8015)
- vscode: add hcl format extension (7660843)
- vscode: add json2yaml extension (ba02573)
- brew: ipmitool moved to codeberg.org (0f6cba1)
1.7.0 (2023-07-05)
- k8s: add flux cli (6e428ae)
- k8s: add krew (be5ca1d)
- vscode: add python black linting (c593f5f)
- zsh: enable brew plugin (cb8123c)
- zsh: enable fluxcd plugin (e05ded4)
- zsh: enable fzf plugin (a7fd3fe)
1.6.0 (2023-04-05)
- brew: add insomnia (ee737c0)
- brew: add protonvpn (61baa4a)
- brew: add tmux (805ed08)
- brew: add watch (36cd384)
- brew: add wireshark (7475640)
- git: use hashconfig instead of directory (73f4744)
- vscode: require prettier configuration file (dd50692)
1.5.0 (2023-03-03)
1.4.0 (2023-01-20)
- add alfred workflows (#25) (1548962)
- add gitconfig (#23) (390720f)
- add GPG configuration files (#24) (0639f2e)
- add VSCode with extensions (#21) (3654b21)
1.3.0 (2023-01-18)
- do not require sha256 for spotify (#19) (9e4b8e3)
- install 1password within /Applications (#20) (90c4e03)
1.2.0 (2023-01-10)
- brew: add docker (#13) (0264bcb)
- brew: add kubernetes (#11) (35be32b)
- brew: add multiple binaries (#16) (10c432a)
- brew: add terraform (#9) (1af3311)
- brew: add terraform-docs (#14) (4e4bcb5)