Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | string | The name for the property. | [optional] |
DisplayName | string | The human readable name for the property. | [optional] |
Description | string | The description for the property. Used to relay additional details to a user or provide a mechanism of documenting intent. | [optional] |
DefaultValue | string | The default value for the property. | [optional] |
AllowableValues | List<AllowableValueEntity> | Allowable values for the property. If empty then the allowed values are not constrained. | [optional] |
Required | bool? | Whether the property is required. | [optional] |
Sensitive | bool? | Whether the property is sensitive and protected whenever stored or represented. | [optional] |
Dynamic | bool? | Whether the property is dynamic (user-defined). | [optional] |
SupportsEl | bool? | Whether the property supports expression language. | [optional] |
ExpressionLanguageScope | string | Scope of the Expression Language evaluation for the property. | [optional] |
IdentifiesControllerService | string | If the property identifies a controller service this returns the fully qualified type. | [optional] |
IdentifiesControllerServiceBundle | BundleDTO | If the property identifies a controller service this returns the bundle of the type, null otherwise. | [optional] |