Ensure that the following libraries are installed in python 3 environment:
- multiprocessing
- joblib
- PyTorch
- argparse
- matplotlib
For FPMC model:
- open DSC210_FPMC_Model.ipynb inside the 'FPMC' directory
- run the notebook from top to bottom
- referenced: S. H. Hwang - FPMC
For SASRec model:
- open DSC210_SASRec_Model.ipynb inside the 'SASRec' directory
- run the notebook from top to bottom
- original implementation: Zan Huang
- Note: our trained models are included in the repo. If you wish to run the training yourself, uncomment the first cell and set the device parameter to your device and run the cell.
The performance of the three SASRec models with hidden dimensions
The performance of the three SASRec models with hidden dimensions
Below are two visualizations, each corresponding to one of the evaluation metrics used in our analysis to compare the performance of the two models. The first plot corresponds to HR@10, while the second corresponds to NDCG@10.
We observed that the SASRec model performs better in both metrics since it works better for sparse datasets, better generalizes to unseen data, and captures both short-term and long-term dependencies, while the FPMC model only captures the short-term dependencies.