This is the webassembly api for fdg
. I'm really not an expert in anything javascript, so proceed with a bit of caution here.
import init, { ForceGraphSimulator } from '[email protected]/fdg-wasm.js';
await init();
let sim = new ForceGraphSimulator();
sim.graph = await fetch('')
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => response.graph);
for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
sim.nodes.forEach((node) => {
console.log(`${}: ${node.location}`);
It works with deno great just like this:
$ deno run --allow-net deno.js
Listolier: 197.79331970214844,134.728515625,0
CountessdeLo: 157.74066162109375,-356.2279052734375,0
Dahlia: 228.4669647216797,134.91195678710938,0
Jondrette: -403.8577880859375,86.82536315917969,0
Napoleon: 175.74081420898438,-324.6880187988281,0
Zephine: 195.84951782226562,157.9574737548828,0
Champtercier: 50.745147705078125,-383.8532409667969,0
Brujon: -95.5260009765625,23.29458236694336,0
Cochepaille: 137.5876007080078,-97.65261840820312,0
Fauchelevent: -81.33965301513672,-95.81346893310547,0
Mme.Hucheloup: -188.01766967773438,79.68028259277344,0
Boulatruelle: -140.707275390625,-19.337364196777344,0
Child1: -261.75665283203125,36.16830062866211,0
Get and set the simulation's internal graph based on the jsongraph specification.
Insert a new node into the graph and returns it's index.
Retrieve all the nodes from the graph in an array.
Add a new edge into the graph.
Retrieve all the edges from the graph in an array.
Resets the nodes in the graph to a random position near the origin.
Sets the number of dimensions the simulation runs in.
Queries the graph for a node in a location with a radius and returns the node.
Returns the node info from the name or index of a node.
Updates the internal simulation for an interval.
Returns a graphviz dot graph from a jsongraph string.
This was included here mostly for a demo site I made.