#[comment text]
# This is a comment
LAT_LONG <latitude> <longitude>
Example for Stockholm / Sweden:
LAT_LONG 59.17 18.3
GROUP <groupID> "<name>" <ID1> [<ID2> .. <IDn>]
groupID = For example G1 or G23. The G prefix is not required IDx = Identity of the devices to include in the group
GROUP G1 "Christmas Lights upstairs" 5 9
EVENT <time> [<dayofweek>] [<restriction>] <function>
time = hour:minute, Sunrise or Sunset
An optional offset in hours can be give to Sunrise and Sunset. For example Sunrise+1.5 Sunrise-3 Sunset+0.25
NOTE Sunrise and Sunset requires LAT_LOG to be set.
dayofweek = Mon/Tue/Wen/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
Any day may be omitted, for example Mon/Fri/Sun, will only trigger the event on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays. If omitted event will be trigged all days.
restriction = Sunup or Sundown
Will not trigger the event if the restriction is fullfilled.
NOTE Sunup and Sundown requires LAT_LOG to be set.
function = on(ID) or off(ID) or dim(ID,level)
The ID might be a device ID or a group ID (prefix G is needed).
Valid dim levels are 0 - 255
Example 1:
EVENT Sunset+0.5 on(11)
Will turn on device with ID 11 30 minutes after sunset every day.
Example 2:
EVENT 11:00 Tue/Sat off(G4)
Will turn off all devices in group with ID 4 every Tuesday and Saturday at 11:00.
Example 3:
EVENT 23:00 Sundown dim(5, 128)
Will dim the device with ID 5 to ~50% at 23:00 everyday, but only if the sun is down.