description |
Let's build and grow mStable together with our fast-growing community of Metanauts. |
We want to foster a community of Metanauts - our community of mStable evangelists - who want to actively participate in the long-term growth of the mStable community as the project builds out its vision of autonomous and non-custodial stablecoin infrastructure.
If you love the product and want to see mStable grow to a billion-dollar DeFi protocol, there are many ways that you can contribute. Read on to find out how!
There are many ways of contributing as a Metanaut, depending on your interests.
You can contribute by helping grow the community in various community initiatives.
We are on the lookout for contributors who can write and design content, produce visuals, videos, educational materials, GIFs and sticker packs, or onboard new users into our community.
If you've got a growth initiative you want to lead, let us know and apply for funding.
You can also contribute by helping us manage the community across keeping content updated, taking notes during governance calls, translation efforts and Discord/Forum housekeeping.
If you'd like to contribute, you can reach out to our community moderators or Metanauts on Discord.