The rendezvous
source code is 100% open-source and you can self-host it wherever you want.
Rendezvous Server needs two main properties in order to function:
- Public IP
- The process can listen to any port
- Traffic to all ports is allowed in both directions (ingress and egress)
Breakpoint provides a ready-to-deploy configuration.
Create a application.
$ flyctl apps create rendezvous
Allocate a public IPv4 address and assign it to the application. Note that this is a paid feature of
$ flyctl ips allocate-v4 -a rendezvous
Take note of the public IPv4 address created before and deploy the rendezvous
$ flyctl deploy -a rendezvous --env PROXY_PUBLIC={public_ip}
Done! Now your instance of Rendezvous Server is listening to {public_ip}:5000