- deploy: forgot to re-enable the push... sry (a7abbbbf)
- deploy: pages cwd conflic to get pkg (afd6f281)
- pages: no pkg object avalaible in the template (6c69a3fe)
- pages: Add static tag release bagde image (c5c570de)
- deploy: add missing required path (9c274435)
- jshint: repare lint task (193bc7e4)
- readme:
- travis: use gulp instead of grunt (7f9893b9)
- ui-slider: externalize template (5f1756b3)
- changelog: empty changelog file (cfecb608)
- childScope: add child scope directive as a Bat gadget (f4e3bf4c)
- deploy: dd proposal (e083b12e)
- docs:
- working gulp docs, aliased to gulp serve (371ae95d)
- add nunjucks badges to html docs (7f8926db)
- switch to nunjucks (wip) (170086fc)
- html docs generation wip (bfa79452)
- add styles support for docs generation (44499ad8)
- provide initial docs generation (1d5166fa)
- add link to badges (d44fedcf)
- use table for bower dependencies (0b88cc0d)
- minimalistic README generator (965c9588)
- gulp:
- jshint: task proposal (ad75e1d3)
- karma: dd task proposal (386e1abb)
- ngdocs:
- nunjucks: dont watch the files plz (1083bd24)
- readme:
- seqTask: add run sequence gulp task wrapper (c5af48b2)
- serve:
- test: add test base files (fca70943)
- transform: provide nunjucks transform (9a52fb4a)
- transforms: provide js-beautify (f7085853)