Hello! Welcome to COMP39/9900 Computer Science/IT Project! :))
Name: Oliver Xu ([email protected])
Degree + year: 5th year Aerospace Engineering/Computer Science
Experience: Full stack web development, CSE Tutor since 2021 - COMP1531 and COMP6080. Completed COMP3900 in 24T1!
Now your turn! What are you hoping to gain out of this course?
- All course content will be hosted on Moodle
- Communication will be via Microsoft Teams (which you will soon/should have been added to)
- You can get help via the Edstem forum
- Tutorial + help session on Thursday 4-6pm at Goldstein G09.
- Tute/lab attendance is mandatory
- Be a good human i.e. team member
- Reach out early if there are issues with your team.
- We are not "on call" 24/7.
- Form a team of 5-6 members (ideally 6)
- Decide on a Scrum Master (their role is to manage the project and play a leadership role, they contribute slightly less code)
- Assign a Product Owner (their primary role is to manage communications with the client)
- Come up with a team name (include your course code (only the last four digits) and the enrolled lab code as a prefix e.g. 3900T09ACoolTeam), register your team on Moodle!
- Setup Jira (ideally the Scrum Master)
- Join the GitHub Classroom, you can find instructions for both on Moodle!
- Read through the list of projects that you can choose from on Moodle
- Fill out the Project Selection Questionnaire (only ONE member i.e. Scrum Master should submit this)
You must select 3 project category preferences (e.g. web app, ML, cybersecurity) and give justification as to why your team is qualified for each one. Your team will be allocated a project based on your team’s experiences and skillsets. We have a limited amount of teams that can undertake a specific project.
Project Categories:
Web App - 1, 4, 9, 10, 18, 19, 22, 28, 29, 31, 34, 36, 38, 41, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52
Computer Vision and Bioinformatics - 2, 3, 23, 24, 32, 37, 44, 49
Big Data/Data science - 5, 17, 20, 21, 35, 39, 40
Machine Learning and Robotics - 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 16, 25, 26, 27, 33, 43, 45
Mobile App and IoT - 8, 30, 42, 48
VR - 11
Cybersecurity - 15
- Get familiar with the course assessments
- Work on your Fundamentals Primers (5%, due in Week 3 Lab)
- Familarise yourself with your project once assigned!
- Establish communications with your client
- Start working on your project proposal!