Releases: onpayio/woocommerce
Releases · onpayio/woocommerce
- Bumped target php version and updated dependencies
- Added Klarna
- Fixed floating point conversion error when performing bulk comple capture
- Added Icelandic option
- Streamlined and optimized subscriptions
- Properly format country coeds when creating payments
- Tweaked texts on actions buttons in admin
- Added support fro HPOS in WooCommerce
- Take adjusted total amounts into account on available amounts for capture
- Added general platform that identifies the pluin with the API.
- Shifted declineURL order reference to wc_order key instead of onpay reference.
- Ensure proper type of card method logo list before looping it.
- Added ability to set language of created payments according to frontoffice language
- Performance optimization of payment creation.
- Bugfix of subscriptions not being available in block layout.
- Restructured the settings page into sevaral sections
- Implemented block layout for payment methods
- Removed unused code from build script
- Fixed Apple and Google pay methods being activated in a buggy way
- Updated subscriptions (early) renewal logic, to reflect the WooCommerce guidelines.
- Fixed minor bug when getting order reference for subscriptions early renewal.
- Removed unecessary sanitation of website value we send to OnPay API.
- Reintroduced sending cart object when creating new payments, checking validity before adding the object to the request.
- Added Apple Pay and Google Pay as available methods.
- Fixed Composer/InstalledVersions not being properly prefixed with composer/php-scoper
- Confirmed compatibility with version 6.2 of Wordpress.
- Added PayPal as available method