- a few IDF configuration changes (run on single core, reduce flash freq)
- clean up logs
- update esp-idf 2.1 to include KRACK fix
- reboot after crash or when watchdog detects hanging task for 10sec (#43)
- use stable esp-idf release instead of working version (too many issues with wifi/ssl)
- ability to reset to factory firmware (#40)
- configurable OTA interval (#28)
- refactored thingspeak client and generic 'publisher' interface
- enable Jenkins build and automated unit tests (#4)
- support two PM sensors (#8)
- update ESP-IDF to 2.1 (#1)
- track firmware version (#9)
- display firmware version (#11)
- add unit tests (#3)
- support two (internal and external) bmx sensors
- support optional fan and heater
- support for bmp280 and bme280
- basic rest client for AWS IoT
- all main features working (some issues with bmp280)
- thingspeak client