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Kevin Lin kevin82222
I'm a visually impaired developer. My background includes web development and accessibility consulting. I hope to make the web a friendlier place for everyone.

Taipei, Taiwan

Tony Satriano tsatria03
Seeks employment in programming and coding at an organization that values diversity and equity.

United States

Blind south african programmer.

Pretoria, South Africa

Tarapong Rakked TarapongRakked
Piping Stress Engineer. python, quarto, nvim, lua
xingkong dpy013

free china jiangsu province Suzhou

Gutierrez Jesica GutierrezJesica
Ardua aprendiz de programación, diseñadora de profesión y tejedora de ♥

La Plata - Argentina

Falk Rismansanj z1tr0t3c
Programmierer, Linux-Distributor, Blogger... Founder of @zitrotec

Hessisches Polizeipräsidium für Technik (HPT) Marburg

Josias Vásquez JosiasVasquez
Autodidacta y emprendedor, experto en accesibilidad digital y experiencia de usuario. He desarrollado sitios web accesibles con HTML5, CSS y javascript.

SolucionesInclusivas Guatemala

Prateek Glowing-Radiant
Passionate about everything related to technology in general, pythonic amateur.
Michael R. Hunsaker mrhunsaker
Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments who brings 15+ years of behavioral neuroscience experience and an analytical approach to special education

Hunsaker Consulting, L3C Farmington, UT