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Maximilian Techritz maximiliantech
👨‍💻 Developer @SAP and @openmcp-project

@SAP Berlin, Germany

R2D2 r2d2pl

Leszno, WP, PL

Michael Goode goodemk

@shopmonkeyus Raleigh, NC

Martin Montes mmontes11
@mariadb-operator Maintainer 🦭 Kubernetes ☁️ Go

@mariadb-corporation Spain

Peter Benjamin pbnj
{Security,Infrastructure} engineer. {Rust,Go} enthusiast. Kubernetes herder.

San Diego, CA

Vojtěch Mareš vojtechmares
DevOps and Software engineer, lecturer and consultant. Currently @cybroslabs

Freelance DevOps & Software consultant Prague, Czech Republic

Ioannis Dritsas dreamPathsProjekt
Lead Cloud Engineer at

@corsmed Athens, Greece