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cyw goatwu1993
Backend/Devops. Django/DRF/celery. AWS


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Ronaldo Medeiros RonaldoMPF
Software Engineer and Cybersecurity Researcher

Federal University of Campina Grande

bonsai, code... early optimization is the root of all evil D. KNUTH
Mudit - devloprr
Founder of - A new age social media platform for Developers with some great features. #devloprr Worldwide

Mimi Flynn mimiflynn
Software engineer, ham radio operator, tinkerer. Creates interfaces during the day, and plays with hardware at night.

@morganstanley New York, NY

Mehboob Alam postgresnx

Postgres Startup New York, NY

Jon Velando rigzba21
SysAdmin and DevSecOps. OS development and network tinkerer. Software-defined radio (SDR) and RF Security enthusiast 📻
Edoardo Lanzini elanzini
Software engineer building things, fueled by pizza 🍕 (without the pepperoni)


Hariharan E hariharanep4
R&D Engineer at Nokia

Nokia Bangalore, India

Batuhan Apaydın developer-guy
🚀CNCF Ambassador 23 🎖Best Sigstore Evangelist 23 🐳Docker Captain 23 ✍️ CDF Ambassador 23 📅 Organizer at DevOpsTr • @cloudnativetr

@trendyol compromised

j-k 06kellyjac

@controlplaneio UK