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Davi Loureiro dav-lou

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Flávio Zantut flaviozantut
Back-end developer

São Paulo - BR

Carlos Lopes Carlos-Lopes

@checkplant Paulo Wagnitz, 443 - Boa Vista, Ponta Grossa - PR

Andrew Aguiar AndrewCaldas
Front-end Software Developer

Leroy Merlin Brasil Brazil, São Paulo.

Pedro Henrique ibotirama
I'm a programmer addicted to learn new techs and share information (To share is learn).

Tallinn, Estonia

Luiz Henrique Cunha lhcunha
Hello. I make some code and also some music. NetDevOps at @adeo and @leroy-merlin-br .


HenriqueCode henrique221
Web developer at Leroy Merlin. Graduated in system analysis and development.

Leroy Merlin São Paulo - Brazil

Ricardo Felisbino devcado
Full Stack Developer (Java/Javascript)

Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Samuel Carlos pereira samuelcpr
FullStack develop

Fac-Liber Porangatu-Go Brasil

Hercules Gabriel herculesgabriel
Full Stack Web Developer

PRTE - Tecnologia e Soluções Curitiba - PR


Leroy Merlin Brasil

Diego Felix diegofelix
Web developer, PHP, Laravel and Street Fighter Lover.

@leroy-merlin-br @Battleroad São Paulo, Brazil

Rannyere Andrade RsaLMBR
CyberSecurity Analyst #DevSecOps

LMBR Brazil

Leonardo M Pagnez MrLeonardDude
Computer Engineering at University of Campinas - UNICAMP

CI&T Piracicaba, Brazil

Rafael Gallo RafaelGallo
Achieve glory by arduous, thorny paths - Ad Astra

Brazil - São Paulo

Evair Marinho evairmarinho
Cloud Computing ☁️ | AWS | DevOps 💻 🔧

Itaú Unibanco São Paulo, Brasil

Samuel Gonçalves ssgoncalves

@leroy-merlin-br Brasil

Henrique henrique770
Front end developer

@leroy-merlin-br Brasília, Brasil

Wilson Marques Archanjo Junior WilsonArchanjoJunior
Estudando por conta JS

Agesse Segurança Patrimonial LTDA São Paulo

Gabriel Emídio Moreira gemidio
Software Engineer

@leroy-merlin-br São Paulo, Brazil

Cícero Roniel ciceroroniel
Student of Information System. Enthusiast of web technologies: Laravel, Learning to JS/React. Working with Salesforce technology.
Ariane Oliveira ArianeOLiveira
More than 13 years experience in the system development area. Professional passionate about technology, female empowerment and entrepreneurship.


Diego Brasileiro diegoebr
DevOps-Observability-SRE email: [email protected]

LeroyMerlin Brasil São Paulo