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Thomas Boulier tomboulier
BS, PhD in applied mathematics. Anaesthesiology and intensive care intern. Interested in both oh these 2 worlds: using computer science to improve healthcare.

CHU Grenoble Grenoble, France

Graham Knapp dancergraham
Also known as @GrahamKnappAcernis Pythonista, engineer, meetup organiser and open source contributor + maintainer.

Acernis Innovation Nantes, France

Sylvain Bauza sbauza

Red Hat Grenoble, France

François Best franky47
Freelance open-source developer. Hire me!

@47ng | @chiffre-io Grenoble, France

Éric38fr Eric38fr
I am a martian, a "gale‘rian" rockologist. Hwv, partof me partof time lives on Earth where I crunch numbers & pebbles & try understand why, and if i can't, how. péri-Grenoble (France)

Romain Clement rclement
Senior Software Engineer & Trainer DevOps | MLOps | Data | AI

@datalpia Grenoble, France