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Javier Rilova JavierRilova
💻 Análisis de datos, recopilo, limpio y extraigo conclusiones del revoltijo de tus bbdd, también genero visualizaciones cuquis ♥️ R, Python, SQL & Google Cloud

Data Analyst Madrid

Allissa Dillman allissadillman
Computational neuroscientist, educator, hackathon and community engagement expert. Promoting diversity in data science!
Lesley Duff dataquine
Senior developer now seeking employment in data related role. Graduate of @codeclan DR22 cohort in Professional Data Analysis.

Glasgow, Scotland


Sacramento, CA

John David Smith smithjd

Learning Alliances United States

Harry Reyes Nieva harryreyesnieva

Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY, USA

Daniel Sjoberg ddsjoberg
Senior Principal Data Scientist @Genentech; previously @sloan_kettering; Golden Girls Superfan

Genentech San Francisco Bay Area

Ashley Baldry ashbaldry

@AscentSoftware Basingstoke

Matt Kerlogue mattkerlogue
Doing things with data (often in R) and a lapsed geographer

Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford London, UK

Hanne Oberman hanneoberman
PhD candidate in Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

@amices @utrechtuniversity Utrecht, The Netherlands

Thom Volker thomvolker
MSc Methodology and Statistics

Utrecht University Utrecht