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Yousif Shabaan El-feky Yousif-Elfeky

American University in Cairo

Alexander Puck Neuwirth APN-Pucky

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Milan

Daniel Wielanek DanielWielanek
Phd at Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw Univeristy of Technology, Faculty of Physics Warsaw

Brandon bboud
Physics undergraduate at Wayne State University

Detroit, MI


Hefei, Anhui, China

Dylan Neff Dyn0402
UCLA physics graduate student working with the STAR Collaboration

Los Angeles

Te-Chuan Huang techuan-huang
Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Illinois at Chicago. Major in high energy nuclear physics. Currently working on the STAR experiment.
Yu Zhang ayuz999
High energy physics
The only good bug, is a dead bug.
Dmitri Smirnov plexoos
Scientific Software Developer, Physicist, PhD