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1735 lines (1150 loc) · 108 KB

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1735 lines (1150 loc) · 108 KB
  1. alert
  2. analytics
  3. android
  4. angular
  5. angular-2
  6. angular-cli
  7. angular-components
  8. angular2
  9. angular4
  10. angular5
  11. angular6
  12. angularjs
  13. angulartics2
  14. animation
  15. ant-design
  16. antd
  17. aot
  18. aot-compilation
  19. api
  20. api-documentation
  21. apollographql
  22. ast
  23. bitcoin
  24. boilerplate
  25. bootstrap
  26. browser
  27. browser-extension
  28. builder
  29. bundler
  30. carousel
  31. chart
  32. chrome
  33. chrome-extension
  34. cli
  35. component-library
  36. components
  37. console
  38. cross-platform
  39. cryptocurrency
  40. csharp
  41. css
  42. css-in-js
  43. cyclejs
  44. dashboard
  45. database
  46. datepicker
  47. daterange
  48. daterangepicker
  49. datetime
  50. datetime-picker
  51. debugger
  52. definition
  53. design
  54. design-system
  55. devtools
  56. dialog
  57. documentation-tool
  58. drag
  59. drag-and-drop
  60. ecmascript
  61. editor
  62. elasticsearch
  63. electron
  64. enterprise
  65. express
  66. expressjs
  67. firebase
  68. flow
  69. flux
  70. forms
  71. framework
  72. frontend
  73. functional-programming
  74. game-development
  75. git
  76. github
  77. golang
  78. graphcool
  79. graphite
  80. graphql
  81. graphql-client
  82. graphql-server
  83. grid
  84. headless
  85. headless-chrome
  86. hmr
  87. hot-reload
  88. html
  89. i18n
  90. ide
  91. ionic
  92. ionic2
  93. ios
  94. java
  95. javascript
  96. jest
  97. jquery
  98. json
  99. koa
  100. language
  101. library
  102. lightweight
  103. linter
  104. loader
  105. lodash
  106. material
  107. material-design
  108. metrics
  109. microservices
  110. microsoft
  111. mobile
  112. modal
  113. moment
  114. monitoring
  115. mysql
  116. nativescript
  117. ng-bootstrap
  118. ng2
  119. ngrx
  120. ngx
  121. ngx-admin
  122. node
  123. nodejs
  124. observables
  125. openapi
  126. pagination
  127. parsing
  128. performance
  129. polymer
  130. popover
  131. preact
  132. programming-language
  133. progressive-web-app
  134. proxy-server
  135. pwa
  136. python
  137. react
  138. react-component
  139. react-components
  140. react-native
  141. reactive-programming
  142. reactjs
  143. real-time
  144. redux
  145. responsive
  146. router
  147. ruby
  148. rxjs
  149. sass
  150. security
  151. seed
  152. sort
  153. sorting-algorithms
  154. ssr
  155. starter
  156. stencil
  157. stenciljs
  158. style-guide
  159. svg
  160. swagger
  161. swift
  162. table
  163. terminal
  164. terminal-emulators
  165. testing
  166. theme
  167. timepicker
  168. trading
  169. trading-bot
  170. translation
  171. travis
  172. tree
  173. tslint
  174. tty
  175. tutorial
  176. typeahead
  177. typedoc
  178. types
  179. typescript-framework
  180. typings
  181. ui-kit
  182. universal
  183. video
  184. vim
  185. visual-studio-code
  186. visualization
  187. vscode
  188. vscode-extension
  189. vue
  190. web
  191. web-framework
  192. webgl
  193. webpack
  194. websockets
  195. widgets


  1. sweetalert. A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
  2. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap


  1. grafana. The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
  2. angulartics2. Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.


  1. NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  2. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  3. ShapeShifter. SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
  4. nativescript-angular. Integrating NativeScript with Angular
  5. nativescript-cli. Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps


  1. angular. One framework. Mobile & desktop.
  2. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  3. angular-cli. CLI tool for Angular
  4. material2. Material Design components for Angular
  5. NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  6. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  7. angular-seed. Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular (2 and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation
  8. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular
  9. store. RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux
  10. angularfire2. The official Angular library for Firebase.
  11. clarity. UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experiences
  12. ng-zorro-antd. An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜
  13. platform. Monorepo for ngrx codebase
  14. ngx-datatable. ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular4 and beyond!
  15. flex-layout. Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API
  16. terminus. A terminal for a more modern age
  17. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  18. PeerTube. Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular.
  19. ShapeShifter. SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
  20. core. The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
  21. ngx-charts. 📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
  22. codelyzer. Static analysis for Angular projects.
  23. covalent. Teradata UI Platform built on Angular Material
  24. compodoc. 📔 The missing documentation tool for your Angular application
  25. augury. Angular Debugging and Visualization Tools
  26. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  27. colmena. 🍯 Free and Open Source development platform to quickly build modular content management systems using TypeScript
  28. angular-google-maps. Angular 2+ Google Maps Components
  29. store. Angular 2+ bindings for Redux
  30. angular2-hn. 💥 Progressive Hacker News client built with Angular
  31. angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Native Angular date/time picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap
  32. angular-electron. Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular 5 and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) 🚤
  33. example-app. Example app showcasing the ngrx platform
  34. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
  35. surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
  36. angular-calendar. A flexible calendar component for angular 5.0+ that can display events on a month, week or day view.
  37. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
  38. hybrid. Build WordPress based PWA, iOS, Android & Windows phones apps in minutes!
  39. parrot. Repository for Parrot's Web App and API source code
  40. angularspree. Angular(5.1) E-Commerce front-end framework
  41. angular-webpack-starter. A complete Angular 5 and Webpack 3 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.
  42. ng-packagr. Transpile your libraries to Angular Package Format
  43. ngx-moment. moment.js pipes for Angular
  44. nativescript-angular. Integrating NativeScript with Angular
  45. ng2-dnd. Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies
  46. ngx-pagination. Pagination for Angular
  47. DIM. Destiny Item Manager
  48. store. 🚀 NGXS - State Management for Angular
  49. ngx-pipes. ⚡️ Useful pipes for Angular with no external dependencies!
  50. ngx-modialog. Modal / Dialog for Angular
  51. ngrev. Tool for reverse engineering of Angular applications
  52. ng-lightning. Native Angular 2 components & directives for Lightning Design System
  53. angulartics2. Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.
  54. ng-dynamic-forms. Rapid form development library for Angular
  55. angular-svg-round-progressbar. Angular module that uses SVG to create a circular progressbar


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  3. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  4. ng2-smart-table. Angular Smart Data Table component


  1. angular-cli. CLI tool for Angular
  2. codelyzer. Static analysis for Angular projects.
  3. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  4. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
  5. nativescript-angular. Integrating NativeScript with Angular


  1. material2. Material Design components for Angular
  2. ng-zorro-antd. An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜
  3. ngx-datatable. ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular4 and beyond!
  4. ngx-charts. 📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
  5. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. ngx-datatable. ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular4 and beyond!
  3. growth-ionic. [v2.0 DEPRECATED, please update to Growth 3.0] Growth - App to help you Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker
  4. core. The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
  5. ngx-charts. 📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
  6. TypeScript. TypeScript使用手册。TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
  7. 1backend. Run your web apps easily with a complete platform that you can install on any server. Build composable microservices and lambdas.
  8. covalent. Teradata UI Platform built on Angular Material
  9. compodoc. 📔 The missing documentation tool for your Angular application
  10. augury. Angular Debugging and Visualization Tools
  11. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  12. angular-google-maps. Angular 2+ Google Maps Components
  13. ionic3-components. A project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
  14. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
  15. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
  16. ng2-smart-table. Angular Smart Data Table component
  17. ng2-dnd. Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies
  18. ngx-pipes. ⚡️ Useful pipes for Angular with no external dependencies!
  19. angular2-notifications. A light and easy to use notifications library for Angular.
  20. angulartics2. Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. ngx-datatable. ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular4 and beyond!
  3. covalent. Teradata UI Platform built on Angular Material
  4. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  5. angular-google-maps. Angular 2+ Google Maps Components
  6. ionic3-components. A project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
  7. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
  8. ng2-smart-table. Angular Smart Data Table component
  9. angular-webpack-starter. A complete Angular 5 and Webpack 3 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.
  10. ng2-dnd. Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies
  11. angulartics2. Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  3. angular-google-maps. Angular 2+ Google Maps Components
  4. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
  5. ngx-pipes. ⚡️ Useful pipes for Angular with no external dependencies!
  6. angulartics2. Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online


  1. ui-router. The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
  2. angular-gantt. Gantt chart component for AngularJS
  3. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.


  1. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  2. angulartics2. Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.


  1. maquette. Pure and simple virtual DOM library
  2. wobble. A tiny (~1.7 KB gzipped) spring physics micro-library that models a damped harmonic oscillator.


  1. ant-design. 🐜 A UI Design Language
  2. ng-zorro-antd. An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜


  1. ant-design. 🐜 A UI Design Language
  2. ant-design-mobile. A configurable Mobile UI
  3. ng-zorro-antd. An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  3. ng2-smart-table. Angular Smart Data Table component
  4. angular-webpack-starter. A complete Angular 5 and Webpack 3 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. angular-seed. Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular (2 and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation
  3. ng2-smart-table. Angular Smart Data Table component


  1. Hitchhiker. a Restful Api test tool
  2. parrot. Repository for Parrot's Web App and API source code
  3. graphql-faker. 🎲 Mock or extend your GraphQL API with faked data. No coding required.


  1. graphql-voyager. 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
  2. ReDoc. 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation


  1. apollo-client. 🚀 A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
  2. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  3. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  4. howtographql. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
  5. graphql-tools. 🔧 Build, mock, and stitch a GraphQL schema using the schema language


  1. esprima. ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
  2. compodoc. 📔 The missing documentation tool for your Angular application


  1. tribeca. A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js
  2. copay. Copay is a secure Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash wallet platform for both desktop and mobile devices.


  1. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
  2. typescript-starter. Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project


  1. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  2. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular
  3. pandora. A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript
  4. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
  5. ng-dynamic-forms. Rapid form development library for Angular


  1. grpc-web. gRPC Web implementation for Golang and TypeScript
  2. javascript-obfuscator. A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
  3. navalia. A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API


  1. uProxy-p2p. Internet without borders
  2. octohint. The missing IntelliSense hint feature for GitHub


  1. electron-builder. A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box
  2. design_patterns_in_typescript. 📐 Design pattern implementations in TypeScript


  1. nexe. 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
  2. fuse-box. A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥


  1. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  2. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular


  1. plottable. 📊 A library of modular chart components built on D3
  2. ngx-charts. 📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular


  1. chromeless. 🖥 Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.
  2. vscode-chrome-debug. Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from VS Code.
  3. navalia. A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API


  1. mirage. 🎨 GUI for simplifying Elasticsearch Query DSL
  2. octohint. The missing IntelliSense hint feature for GitHub


  1. angular-cli. CLI tool for Angular
  2. nexe. 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
  3. oclif. Node.js Open CLI Framework. Built with 💜 by Heroku.
  4. ionic-cli. The Ionic Command Line Utility
  5. nativescript-cli. Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps


  1. clarity. UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experiences
  2. ng-packagr. Transpile your libraries to Angular Package Format


  1. blueprint. A React-based UI toolkit for the web
  2. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular
  3. alva. Alva is a radically new design tool that enables cross-functional teams to design digital products.
  4. ionic3-components. A project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
  5. stylable. Stylable - CSS for components


  1. upterm. A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  2. xterm.js. Full xterm terminal, in your browser


  1. NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  2. nativescript-cli. Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps
  3. recyclerlistview. High performance listview for React Native and web!


  1. tribeca. A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js
  2. gdax-tt. The GDAX trading toolkit


  1. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.
  2. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  3. omnisharp-vscode. Official C# support for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)
  4. onelang.


  1. ant-design. 🐜 A UI Design Language
  2. NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  3. clarity. UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experiences
  4. typestyle. Making CSS Typesafe 🌹
  5. jsxstyle. Inline style system for React and Preact
  6. ng-packagr. Transpile your libraries to Angular Package Format
  7. free-style. Make CSS easier and more maintainable by using JavaScript
  8. stylable. Stylable - CSS for components


  1. typestyle. Making CSS Typesafe 🌹
  2. jsxstyle. Inline style system for React and Preact
  3. free-style. Make CSS easier and more maintainable by using JavaScript


  1. cyclejs. A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
  2. xstream. An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. Vorlonjs. A new, open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and
  3. tessera. A dashboard front-end for graphite.


  1. Eve. Better tools for thought
  2. typeorm. ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.


  1. flatpickr. lightweight and powerful datetimepicker with no dependencies
  2. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  3. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular
  4. angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Native Angular date/time picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap


  1. flatpickr. lightweight and powerful datetimepicker with no dependencies
  2. angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Native Angular date/time picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap


  1. flatpickr. lightweight and powerful datetimepicker with no dependencies
  2. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular


  1. flatpickr. lightweight and powerful datetimepicker with no dependencies
  2. angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Native Angular date/time picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap


  1. flatpickr. lightweight and powerful datetimepicker with no dependencies
  2. angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Native Angular date/time picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap


  1. vscode-chrome-debug. Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from VS Code.
  2. remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter. Debug Safari and WebViews on iOS from tools like VS Code, Chrome DevTools, Mozilla Debugger.html


  1. DefinitelyTyped. The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
  2. typings. DEPRECATED The TypeScript Definition Manager


  1. blueprint. A React-based UI toolkit for the web
  2. alva. Alva is a radically new design tool that enables cross-functional teams to design digital products.


  1. clarity. UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experiences
  2. alva. Alva is a radically new design tool that enables cross-functional teams to design digital products.
  3. stylable. Stylable - CSS for components


  1. compodoc. 📔 The missing documentation tool for your Angular application
  2. augury. Angular Debugging and Visualization Tools
  3. remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter. Debug Safari and WebViews on iOS from tools like VS Code, Chrome DevTools, Mozilla Debugger.html


  1. sweetalert. A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
  2. ngx-modialog. Modal / Dialog for Angular


  1. ReDoc. 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
  2. compodoc. 📔 The missing documentation tool for your Angular application


  1. react-diagrams. a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works
  2. html5sortable. VanillaJS sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
  3. ng2-dnd. Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies


  1. html5sortable. VanillaJS sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
  2. ng2-dnd. Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies


  1. esprima. ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
  2. cherow. Very fast and lightweight, standards-compliant, self-hosted javascript parser with high focus on both performance and stability


  1. vscode. Visual Studio Code
  2. tinymce. The world's most popular JavaScript library for rich text editing
  3. NyaoVim. Web-enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend
  4. pythonVSCode. This extension is now maintained in the Microsoft fork.
  5. vscode-chrome-debug. Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from VS Code.
  6. theia. Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.


  1. grafana. The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
  2. searchkit. React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.
  3. mirage. 🎨 GUI for simplifying Elasticsearch Query DSL


  1. vscode. Visual Studio Code
  2. upterm. A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  3. typeorm. ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
  4. desktop. Simple collaboration from your desktop
  5. electron-builder. A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box
  6. terminus. A terminal for a more modern age
  7. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  8. majestic. ⚡ Zero config UI for Jest
  9. NyaoVim. Web-enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend
  10. bdash. A simple business intelligence application.
  11. angular-electron. Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular 5 and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) 🚤
  12. itch. 🎮 The best way to play your games
  13. theia. Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
  14. BotFramework-Emulator. Bot Framework Emulator


  1. ant-design. 🐜 A UI Design Language
  2. ng-zorro-antd. An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜


  1. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  2. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.


  1. path-to-regexp. Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression
  2. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.


  1. angularfire2. The official Angular library for Firebase.
  2. firebase-js-sdk. Firebase Javascript SDK


  1. react-redux-typescript-guide. The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript
  2. javascript-obfuscator. A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
  3. apollo-codegen. ✏️ Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents


  1. redux-zero. A lightweight state container based on Redux
  2. undux. ⚡️ Dead simple state management for React


  1. formik. Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
  2. ng-dynamic-forms. Rapid form development library for Angular


  1. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  2. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  3. cyclejs. A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
  4. nest. A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6 / ES7 / ES8) heavily inspired by Angular 😻🚀
  5. routing-controllers. Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.


  1. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  2. ant-design. 🐜 A UI Design Language
  3. ng-zorro-antd. An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜
  4. angularspree. Angular(5.1) E-Commerce front-end framework


  1. cyclejs. A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
  2. fp-ts. Functional programming in TypeScript


  1. Babylon.js. Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL
  2. itch. 🎮 The best way to play your games


  1. desktop. Simple collaboration from your desktop
  2. kactus. 🌵 A true version control tool for designers


  1. desktop. Simple collaboration from your desktop
  2. kactus. 🌵 A true version control tool for designers
  3. octohint. The missing IntelliSense hint feature for GitHub


  1. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.
  2. 1backend. Run your web apps easily with a complete platform that you can install on any server. Build composable microservices and lambdas.
  3. grpc-web. gRPC Web implementation for Golang and TypeScript
  4. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  5. onelang.


  1. chromeless. 🖥 Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.
  2. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  3. howtographql. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
  4. graphql-playground. 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
  5. learnrelay. Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)
  6. graphql-request. 📡 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps


  1. grafana. The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
  2. tessera. A dashboard front-end for graphite.


  1. apollo-client. 🚀 A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
  2. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  3. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  4. howtographql. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
  5. graphql-voyager. 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
  6. react-apollo. ♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
  7. graphql-playground. 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
  8. graphql-tools. 🔧 Build, mock, and stitch a GraphQL schema using the schema language
  9. urql. Universal React Query Library
  10. graphql-yoga. 🧘 Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience
  11. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  12. apollo-codegen. ✏️ Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents
  13. navalia. A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API
  14. learnrelay. Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)
  15. graphql-request. 📡 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps
  16. graphql-faker. 🎲 Mock or extend your GraphQL API with faked data. No coding required.


  1. apollo-client. 🚀 A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
  2. urql. Universal React Query Library
  3. graphql-request. 📡 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps


  1. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  2. graphql-yoga. 🧘 Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience


  1. ngx-datatable. ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular4 and beyond!
  2. flex-layout. Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API


  1. chromeless. 🖥 Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.
  2. navalia. A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API


  1. chromeless. 🖥 Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.
  2. navalia. A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API


  1. fuse-box. A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥
  2. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
  3. angular-webpack-starter. A complete Angular 5 and Webpack 3 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.


  1. fuse-box. A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥
  2. angular-electron. Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular 5 and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) 🚤


  1. Vorlonjs. A new, open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and
  2. CommentCoreLibrary. Javascript Live Comment (Danmaku) Engine Implementation. JS弹幕模块核心,提供从基本骨架到高级弹幕的支持。
  3. ng-packagr. Transpile your libraries to Angular Package Format


  1. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  2. core. The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
  3. parrot. Repository for Parrot's Web App and API source code


  1. Eve. Better tools for thought
  2. alm. 🌹 A ☁️ ready IDE just for TypeScript ❤️
  3. graphql-playground. 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
  4. theia. Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.


  1. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  2. stencil. A simple, progressive web app and reusable web component compiler 💎
  3. growth-ionic. [v2.0 DEPRECATED, please update to Growth 3.0] Growth - App to help you Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker
  4. ionic-cli. The Ionic Command Line Utility
  5. ionic3-components. A project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
  6. ng-dynamic-forms. Rapid form development library for Angular


  1. growth-ionic. [v2.0 DEPRECATED, please update to Growth 3.0] Growth - App to help you Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker
  2. ionic3-components. A project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
  3. hybrid. Build WordPress based PWA, iOS, Android & Windows phones apps in minutes!


  1. NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  2. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  3. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  4. ShapeShifter. SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
  5. nativescript-angular. Integrating NativeScript with Angular
  6. nativescript-cli. Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps
  7. remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter. Debug Safari and WebViews on iOS from tools like VS Code, Chrome DevTools, Mozilla Debugger.html


  1. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.
  2. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  3. onelang.


  1. angular. One framework. Mobile & desktop.
  2. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  3. TypeScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
  4. sweetalert. A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
  5. ui-router. The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
  6. NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  7. cyclejs. A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
  8. tfjs-core. WebGL-accelerated ML // linear algebra // automatic differentiation for JavaScript.
  9. typeorm. ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
  10. nest. A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6 / ES7 / ES8) heavily inspired by Angular 😻🚀
  11. tinymce. The world's most popular JavaScript library for rich text editing
  12. ant-design-mobile. A configurable Mobile UI
  13. nexe. 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
  14. esprima. ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
  15. intern. A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript.
  16. xterm.js. Full xterm terminal, in your browser
  17. pnpm. 📦🚀 Fast, disk space efficient package manager
  18. signature_pad. HTML5 canvas based smooth signature drawing
  19. searchkit. React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.
  20. fuse-box. A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥
  21. typings. DEPRECATED The TypeScript Definition Manager
  22. Vorlonjs. A new, open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and
  23. InversifyJS. A powerful and lightweight inversion of control container for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.
  24. plottable. 📊 A library of modular chart components built on D3
  25. TypeScript. TypeScript使用手册。TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
  26. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.
  27. xstream. An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript
  28. learn-rxjs. Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS 5+
  29. colmena. 🍯 Free and Open Source development platform to quickly build modular content management systems using TypeScript
  30. angular-gantt. Gantt chart component for AngularJS
  31. javascript-obfuscator. A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
  32. bdash. A simple business intelligence application.
  33. cherow. Very fast and lightweight, standards-compliant, self-hosted javascript parser with high focus on both performance and stability
  34. firebase-js-sdk. Firebase Javascript SDK
  35. surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
  36. node-sdk. ☄️ Node.js library to access IBM Watson services.
  37. html5sortable. VanillaJS sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
  38. parrot. Repository for Parrot's Web App and API source code
  39. jqTree. Tree widget for jQuery
  40. chevrotain. Parser Building Toolkit for JavaScript
  41. DIM. Destiny Item Manager
  42. ngx-pipes. ⚡️ Useful pipes for Angular with no external dependencies!
  43. free-style. Make CSS easier and more maintainable by using JavaScript
  44. maquette. Pure and simple virtual DOM library
  45. wobble. A tiny (~1.7 KB gzipped) spring physics micro-library that models a damped harmonic oscillator.
  46. DouyuHTML5Player. 替换斗鱼的Flash弹幕播放器
  47. onelang.


  1. majestic. ⚡ Zero config UI for Jest
  2. ts-jest. TypeScript preprocessor with sourcemap support for Jest
  3. typescript-library-starter. Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!
  4. vscode-jest. The optimal flow for Jest based testing in VS Code


  1. surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
  2. jqTree. Tree widget for jQuery


  1. surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
  2. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL


  1. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  2. Hitchhiker. a Restful Api test tool


  1. TypeScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
  2. Eve. Better tools for thought
  3. onelang.


  1. angular-google-maps. Angular 2+ Google Maps Components
  2. typescript-starter. Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project
  3. typescript-library-starter. Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!


  1. redux-zero. A lightweight state container based on Redux
  2. graphql-request. 📡 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps
  3. maquette. Pure and simple virtual DOM library


  1. tslint. 🚦 An extensible linter for the TypeScript language
  2. pythonVSCode. This extension is now maintained in the Microsoft fork.


  1. fuse-box. A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥
  2. awesome-typescript-loader. Awesome TypeScript loader for webpack


  1. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  2. react-diagrams. a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works


  1. material2. Material Design components for Angular
  2. covalent. Teradata UI Platform built on Angular Material
  3. angular-webpack-starter. A complete Angular 5 and Webpack 3 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.
  4. ng-dynamic-forms. Rapid form development library for Angular


  1. material2. Material Design components for Angular
  2. covalent. Teradata UI Platform built on Angular Material


  1. grafana. The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
  2. pandora. A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript
  3. tessera. A dashboard front-end for graphite.
  4. pwmetrics. Progressive web metrics at your fingertipz


  1. nest. A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6 / ES7 / ES8) heavily inspired by Angular 😻🚀
  2. 1backend. Run your web apps easily with a complete platform that you can install on any server. Build composable microservices and lambdas.


  1. vscode. Visual Studio Code
  2. office-ui-fabric-react. React components for building experiences for Office and Office 365.


  1. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  2. NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  3. ant-design-mobile. A configurable Mobile UI
  4. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  5. nativescript-angular. Integrating NativeScript with Angular
  6. nativescript-cli. Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps


  1. sweetalert. A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
  2. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  3. ngx-modialog. Modal / Dialog for Angular


  1. angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Native Angular date/time picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap
  2. ngx-moment. moment.js pipes for Angular


  1. grafana. The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
  2. tessera. A dashboard front-end for graphite.


  1. typeorm. ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
  2. 1backend. Run your web apps easily with a complete platform that you can install on any server. Build composable microservices and lambdas.


  1. NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  2. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  3. nativescript-angular. Integrating NativeScript with Angular
  4. nativescript-cli. Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps


  1. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  2. ng-dynamic-forms. Rapid form development library for Angular


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. colmena. 🍯 Free and Open Source development platform to quickly build modular content management systems using TypeScript
  3. angular-google-maps. Angular 2+ Google Maps Components
  4. ng2-smart-table. Angular Smart Data Table component
  5. ngx-pipes. ⚡️ Useful pipes for Angular with no external dependencies!


  1. store. RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux
  2. platform. Monorepo for ngrx codebase
  3. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
  4. example-app. Example app showcasing the ngrx platform
  5. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
  6. angularspree. Angular(5.1) E-Commerce front-end framework
  7. angular-webpack-starter. A complete Angular 5 and Webpack 3 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.
  8. store. 🚀 NGXS - State Management for Angular


  1. ng-zorro-antd. An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜
  2. core. The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
  3. angulartics2. Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.


  1. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  2. pnpm. 📦🚀 Fast, disk space efficient package manager
  3. alm. 🌹 A ☁️ ready IDE just for TypeScript ❤️
  4. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.
  5. colmena. 🍯 Free and Open Source development platform to quickly build modular content management systems using TypeScript


  1. google-api-nodejs-client. Google's officially supported Node.js client library for accessing Google APIs. Support for authorization and authentication with OAuth 2.0, API Keys and JWT (Service Tokens) is included. API Reference Docs:
  2. nest. A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6 / ES7 / ES8) heavily inspired by Angular 😻🚀
  3. nexe. 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
  4. pnpm. 📦🚀 Fast, disk space efficient package manager
  5. path-to-regexp. Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression
  6. InversifyJS. A powerful and lightweight inversion of control container for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.
  7. ts-node. TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js
  8. pandora. A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript
  9. oclif. Node.js Open CLI Framework. Built with 💜 by Heroku.
  10. Hitchhiker. a Restful Api test tool
  11. javascript-obfuscator. A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
  12. Angular-Full-Stack. Angular Full Stack project built using Angular 2+, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
  13. colyseus. Multiplayer Game Server for Node.js.
  14. typescript-starter. Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project
  15. graphql-request. 📡 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps


  1. platform. Monorepo for ngrx codebase
  2. learn-rxjs. Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS 5+
  3. example-app. Example app showcasing the ngrx platform


  1. ReDoc. 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
  2. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.


  1. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  2. ngx-pagination. Pagination for Angular


  1. esprima. ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
  2. cherow. Very fast and lightweight, standards-compliant, self-hosted javascript parser with high focus on both performance and stability
  3. chevrotain. Parser Building Toolkit for JavaScript


  1. fuse-box. A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥
  2. sonarwhal. A linting tool for the web
  3. cherow. Very fast and lightweight, standards-compliant, self-hosted javascript parser with high focus on both performance and stability
  4. pwmetrics. Progressive web metrics at your fingertipz
  5. recyclerlistview. High performance listview for React Native and web!


  1. NyaoVim. Web-enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend
  2. polymer-bundler. Build tool for HTMLImports and Web Components


  1. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  2. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular


  1. ant-design-mobile. A configurable Mobile UI
  2. jsxstyle. Inline style system for React and Preact
  3. redux-zero. A lightweight state container based on Redux


  1. Eve. Better tools for thought
  2. onelang.


  1. stencil. A simple, progressive web app and reusable web component compiler 💎
  2. angular2-hn. 💥 Progressive Hacker News client built with Angular
  3. angularspree. Angular(5.1) E-Commerce front-end framework


  1. outline-server. Outline Manager, developed by Jigsaw. The Outline Manager application creates and manages Outline servers, powered by Shadowsocks. It uses the Electron framework to offer support for Windows, macOS and Linux.
  2. uProxy-p2p. Internet without borders


  1. angular. One framework. Mobile & desktop.
  2. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  3. stencil. A simple, progressive web app and reusable web component compiler 💎


  1. pythonVSCode. This extension is now maintained in the Microsoft fork.
  2. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.
  3. onelang.


  1. ant-design. 🐜 A UI Design Language
  2. upterm. A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  3. blueprint. A React-based UI toolkit for the web
  4. formik. Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
  5. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  6. ant-design-mobile. A configurable Mobile UI
  7. searchkit. React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.
  8. code-push. A cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’ devices.
  9. react-apollo. ♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
  10. react-fns. Browser API's turned into declarative React components and HoC's
  11. office-ui-fabric-react. React components for building experiences for Office and Office 365.
  12. after.js. Next.js-like framework for server-rendered React apps built with React Router 4
  13. majestic. ⚡ Zero config UI for Jest
  14. alva. Alva is a radically new design tool that enables cross-functional teams to design digital products.
  15. TypeScript. TypeScript使用手册。TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
  16. jsxstyle. Inline style system for React and Preact
  17. react-redux-typescript-guide. The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript
  18. redux-zero. A lightweight state container based on Redux
  19. react-mosaic. A React tiling window manager
  20. urql. Universal React Query Library
  21. react-diagrams. a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works
  22. surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
  23. learnrelay. Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)
  24. react-tiny-virtual-list. A tiny but mighty 3kb list virtualization library, with zero dependencies 💪 Supports variable heights/widths, scrolling to index, and more!
  25. DIM. Destiny Item Manager
  26. react-mapbox-gl. A React binding of mapbox-gl-js
  27. undux. ⚡️ Dead simple state management for React
  28. BotFramework-Emulator. Bot Framework Emulator


  1. urql. Universal React Query Library
  2. react-tiny-virtual-list. A tiny but mighty 3kb list virtualization library, with zero dependencies 💪 Supports variable heights/widths, scrolling to index, and more!
  3. react-native-image-viewer. 🚀 tiny & fast lib for react native image viewer pan and zoom


  1. ant-design. 🐜 A UI Design Language
  2. ant-design-mobile. A configurable Mobile UI
  3. office-ui-fabric-react. React components for building experiences for Office and Office 365.


  1. typeorm. ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
  2. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  3. ant-design-mobile. A configurable Mobile UI
  4. code-push. A cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’ devices.
  5. redux-zero. A lightweight state container based on Redux
  6. react-native-image-viewer. 🚀 tiny & fast lib for react native image viewer pan and zoom
  7. recyclerlistview. High performance listview for React Native and web!


  1. cyclejs. A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
  2. xstream. An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript
  3. learn-rxjs. Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS 5+
  4. angularspree. Angular(5.1) E-Commerce front-end framework


  1. ReDoc. 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
  2. urql. Universal React Query Library
  3. surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝


  1. laravel-echo-server. server for Laravel Echo
  2. firebase-js-sdk. Firebase Javascript SDK


  1. store. RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux
  2. react-apollo. ♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
  3. react-redux-typescript-guide. The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript
  4. redux-zero. A lightweight state container based on Redux
  5. store. Angular 2+ bindings for Redux
  6. example-app. Example app showcasing the ngrx platform
  7. store. 🚀 NGXS - State Management for Angular
  8. undux. ⚡️ Dead simple state management for React
  9. BotFramework-Emulator. Bot Framework Emulator


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. flex-layout. Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API


  1. ui-router. The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
  2. path-to-regexp. Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression
  3. routing-controllers. Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.


  1. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.
  2. onelang.


  1. cyclejs. A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
  2. store. RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux
  3. platform. Monorepo for ngrx codebase
  4. learn-rxjs. Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS 5+
  5. example-app. Example app showcasing the ngrx platform


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. blueprint. A React-based UI toolkit for the web
  3. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  4. angular-electron. Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular 5 and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) 🚤


  1. sonarwhal. A linting tool for the web
  2. javascript-obfuscator. A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js


  1. angular-seed. Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular (2 and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation
  2. angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.


  1. pretty-algorithms. 🌊 Pretty, common and useful algorithms with modern JS and beautiful tests
  2. ng2-smart-table. Angular Smart Data Table component


  1. pretty-algorithms. 🌊 Pretty, common and useful algorithms with modern JS and beautiful tests
  2. javascript-datastructures-algorithms. 📚 collection of JavaScript and TypeScript data structures and algorithms for education purposes. Source code bundle of JavaScript algorithms and data structures book


  1. react-apollo. ♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
  2. after.js. Next.js-like framework for server-rendered React apps built with React Router 4
  3. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online


  1. typescript-starter. Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project
  2. angular-webpack-starter. A complete Angular 5 and Webpack 3 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.


  1. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  2. stencil. A simple, progressive web app and reusable web component compiler 💎


  1. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  2. stencil. A simple, progressive web app and reusable web component compiler 💎


  1. react-redux-typescript-guide. The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript
  2. codelyzer. Static analysis for Angular projects.


  1. ShapeShifter. SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
  2. ngx-charts. 📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
  3. react-diagrams. a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works
  4. angular-svg-round-progressbar. Angular module that uses SVG to create a circular progressbar


  1. ReDoc. 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
  2. autorest. OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.


  1. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  2. apollo-codegen. ✏️ Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents
  3. onelang.


  1. blueprint. A React-based UI toolkit for the web
  2. ngx-datatable. ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular4 and beyond!
  3. ng2-smart-table. Angular Smart Data Table component


  1. upterm. A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  2. xterm.js. Full xterm terminal, in your browser
  3. terminus. A terminal for a more modern age
  4. pythonVSCode. This extension is now maintained in the Microsoft fork.


  1. upterm. A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  2. xterm.js. Full xterm terminal, in your browser
  3. terminus. A terminal for a more modern age


  1. intern. A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript.
  2. pythonVSCode. This extension is now maintained in the Microsoft fork.
  3. ts-jest. TypeScript preprocessor with sourcemap support for Jest


  1. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  2. stylable. Stylable - CSS for components


  1. flatpickr. lightweight and powerful datetimepicker with no dependencies
  2. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  3. angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Native Angular date/time picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap


  1. tribeca. A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js
  2. gdax-tt. The GDAX trading toolkit


  1. tribeca. A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js
  2. gdax-tt. The GDAX trading toolkit


  1. core. The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
  2. parrot. Repository for Parrot's Web App and API source code


  1. danger-js. ⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review
  2. typescript-library-starter. Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!


  1. javascript-datastructures-algorithms. 📚 collection of JavaScript and TypeScript data structures and algorithms for education purposes. Source code bundle of JavaScript algorithms and data structures book
  2. jqTree. Tree widget for jQuery


  1. tslint. 🚦 An extensible linter for the TypeScript language
  2. codelyzer. Static analysis for Angular projects.
  3. typescript-starter. Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project
  4. typescript-library-starter. Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!


  1. upterm. A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  2. xterm.js. Full xterm terminal, in your browser


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. howtographql. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
  3. learnrelay. Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)


  1. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  2. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular


  1. typescript-starter. Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project
  2. typescript-library-starter. Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!


  1. DefinitelyTyped. The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
  2. typings. DEPRECATED The TypeScript Definition Manager


  1. nest. A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6 / ES7 / ES8) heavily inspired by Angular 😻🚀
  2. routing-controllers. Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.


  1. DefinitelyTyped. The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
  2. typings. DEPRECATED The TypeScript Definition Manager


  1. ant-design. 🐜 A UI Design Language
  2. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.


  1. aspnetcore-angular2-universal. NEW Angular 5.x Universal & ASP.NET Core 2.0 Advanced Starter - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization, TypeScript, unit testing, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
  2. angular-webpack-starter. A complete Angular 5 and Webpack 3 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.


  1. PeerTube. Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular.
  2. CommentCoreLibrary. Javascript Live Comment (Danmaku) Engine Implementation. JS弹幕模块核心,提供从基本骨架到高级弹幕的支持。


  1. Vim. ⭐ Vim for Visual Studio Code
  2. vimflowy. An open source productivity tool drawing inspiration from workflowy and vim


  1. vscode. Visual Studio Code
  2. Vim. ⭐ Vim for Visual Studio Code
  3. vetur. Vue tooling for VS Code.
  4. pythonVSCode. This extension is now maintained in the Microsoft fork.
  5. code-settings-sync. Synchronize your Visual Studio Code Settings Across Multiple Machines using Github GIST


  1. graphql-voyager. 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
  2. vega-lite. A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
  3. bdash. A simple business intelligence application.
  4. react-diagrams. a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works


  1. vetur. Vue tooling for VS Code.
  2. vscode-chrome-debug. Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from VS Code.
  3. vscode-icons. Icons for Visual Studio Code
  4. omnisharp-vscode. Official C# support for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)
  5. vscode-jest. The optimal flow for Jest based testing in VS Code


  1. vscode-icons. Icons for Visual Studio Code
  2. vscode-jest. The optimal flow for Jest based testing in VS Code
  3. code-settings-sync. Synchronize your Visual Studio Code Settings Across Multiple Machines using Github GIST


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. vetur. Vue tooling for VS Code.
  3. surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
  4. vue-property-decorator. Vue.js and Property Decorator


  1. angular. One framework. Mobile & desktop.
  2. ionic. Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  3. react-diagrams. a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works
  4. recyclerlistview. High performance listview for React Native and web!


  1. angular. One framework. Mobile & desktop.
  2. routing-controllers. Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.


  1. tfjs-core. WebGL-accelerated ML // linear algebra // automatic differentiation for JavaScript.
  2. Babylon.js. Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL


  1. ngx-admin. Admin dashboard template based on Angular 5+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
  2. after.js. Next.js-like framework for server-rendered React apps built with React Router 4
  3. awesome-typescript-loader. Awesome TypeScript loader for webpack
  4. nebular. Nebular is a set of essential modules for your next Angular 5 application.
  5. webpack-bundle-size-analyzer. A tool for finding out what contributes to the size of Webpack bundles
  6. angular-electron. Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular 5 and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) 🚤
  7. typescript-library-starter. Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!
  8. DIM. Destiny Item Manager


  1. nest. A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6 / ES7 / ES8) heavily inspired by Angular 😻🚀
  2. colyseus. Multiplayer Game Server for Node.js.


  1. ng-bootstrap. Angular powered Bootstrap
  2. ngx-bootstrap. Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular