Peerlift is a web application where students find quality scholarships for college in a fast and intuitive interface.
It's built as a React application with an Express.JS backend and noSQL database, and deployed with Heroku.
So far, Peerlift has logged 110,000+ vists and remains an actively used application by high school students across the US.
As of January 11, 2022, I've open-sourced Peerlift's codebase and welcome contributors.
I've transitioned to a maintenance role, but will actively review PRs and issues. I welcome those who may be interested in contributing in a larger capacity. Begin by opening a PR or sending an email to [email protected]. Parts of the codebase may be less clear or less documented as I initially wrote this as a solo project two years ago. However, as time permits I plan on refactoring, and happy to answer any questions related to the codebase. Thank you!