- Fully implemented a parser to parse raw data from a .txt file along with testing @atran49
- Fully implemented graph data structure (adjacency list implementation) @minhtp2 @dvalen45
- Partially implemented traversals, need to determine which type of path to return @jonahlt2
- Merge codes from different branches together and make sure things work properly @jonahlt2 @atran49
- Fully implemented traversals @jonahlt2
- Update proposals, documentation @minhtp2
- Work on unit tests @dvalen45 @minhtp2 @jonahlt2
- Clean and update Makefile to run tests @minhtp2
- Implement and test PageRank @minhtp2 @atran49
- Implement and test Kosaraju's algorithm @jonahlt2 @dvalen45
- Implement main arguments and output result to .txt file @minhtp2
- Writeups for project and presentation @all