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'From Pharo7.0.1 of 22 January 2019 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.1+build.142.sha.b8825954d0dcff883bf4f47ea5c516c9cfc2fe4b (32 Bit)] on 22 February 2019 at 5:17:57.263566 pm'!!CustomHelp class methodsFor: 'formatting' stamp: 'AllexOliveira 2/22/2019 16:47'!codeSnippet: code ^ String cr asText , code asText allBold , (self customLink: 'Open In Playground' block: [ GTPlayground openContents: code.])! !'From Pharo7.0.1 of 22 January 2019 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.1+build.142.sha.b8825954d0dcff883bf4f47ea5c516c9cfc2fe4b (32 Bit)] on 22 February 2019 at 5:18:06.788745 pm'!!CustomHelp class methodsFor: 'formatting' stamp: 'AllexOliveira 2/22/2019 16:35'!customLink: aString block: clickBlock aString ifEmpty: [ self errorEmptyString ]. ^ aString asText addAttribute: ( TextAction new actOnClickBlock: clickBlock); addAttribute: (TextColor new color: self theme urlColor); yourself! !'From Pharo7.0.1 of 22 January 2019 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.1+build.142.sha.b8825954d0dcff883bf4f47ea5c516c9cfc2fe4b (32 Bit)] on 22 February 2019 at 5:18:33.093303 pm'!!WelcomeHelp class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'AllexOliveira 2/22/2019 16:31'!pages ^ #(pharoThings welcome changeLog learn exploreEnvironment useExternalPackages documentation gettingHelp)! !'From Pharo7.0.1 of 22 January 2019 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.1+build.142.sha.b8825954d0dcff883bf4f47ea5c516c9cfc2fe4b (32 Bit)] on 22 February 2019 at 5:13:30.108374 pm'!!WelcomeHelp class methodsFor: 'pages' stamp: 'AllexOliveira 2/22/2019 17:10'!pharoThings ^ HelpTopic title: 'PharoThings Quickstart guide' contents: (self heading: 'PharoThings Quickstart guide'),'Welcome to Pharo, an immersive live programming environment.This Pharo image already comes with PharoThings installed. PharoThings is a live programming platform for IoT projects based on Pharo. It includes:- Development tools to lively program, explore and debug remote boards (based on TelePharo)- Board modeling library which simplifies board configurationFor more information, please visit here: ', (self url: 'https://github.com/pharo-iot/PharoThings'),(self subheading: 'Connecting in PharoThings server by IP'), (self codeSnippet: 'remotePharo := TlpRemoteIDE connectTo: (TCPAddress ip: #[192 168 1 200] port: 40423).'), (self subheading: 'Connecting in PharoThings server by Hostname'), (self codeSnippet: 'ip := NetNameResolver addressForName: ''pharothings-01''.remotePharo := TlpRemoteIDE connectTo: (TCPAddress ip: ip port: 40423).'), (self subheading: 'Inspect the remote Raspberry Pi GPIO board'), 'If you dont receive any error, this means that you are connected. Now you can inspect the physical board of your Raspberry Pi:',(self codeSnippet: 'remoteBoard := remotePharo evaluate: [ RpiBoard3B current].remoteBoard inspect.'), (self subheading: 'Working remotely'), 'You can also call the Remote Playground, Remote System Browser and Remote Process Browser:)',(self codeSnippet: 'remotePharo openPlayground.remotePharo openBrowser.remotePharo openProcessBrowser.'), (self subheading: 'Playing with PharoThings Booklet'), 'You can start playing with LEDs, sensors and learn how to build your Mini-Weather Station to shows the temperature and other parameters in an LCD display, and send the data to a cloud server.All this content and lessons are written in the PharoThings Booklet, you can access it here: PharoThings Booklet ', (self url: 'https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/Booklet-APharoThingsTutorial'),(self subheading: 'Copy past code'), (self codeSnippet: '"Connecting in PharoThings server by IP" remotePharo := TlpRemoteIDE connectTo: (TCPAddress ip: #[192 168 1 200] port: 40423)."Connecting in PharoThings server by Hostname"ip := NetNameResolver addressForName: ''pharoiot-01''.remotePharo := TlpRemoteIDE connectTo: (TCPAddress ip: ip port: 40423)."Inspect remote board"remoteBoard := remotePharo evaluate: [ RpiBoard3B current].remoteBoard inspect."Open remote Playground, remote Browser and remote Process Browser"remotePharo openPlayground.remotePharo openBrowser.remotePharo openProcessBrowser."Save the remote image"remotePharo saveImage."Disconnect all remote sessions"TlpRemoteIDE disconnectAll.').! !