- API endpoint update with v4 release
- move to terra (removing raster dependencies)
- SSL CA override to deal with stale certificates at ORNL
- new website layout
- removed website ping function and check
- better error trapping in single pixel downloads using http status codes
- migration to bluegreen-labs project page
- R >= 3.6 requirement
- removed faulty keywords
- migration to github actions instead of Travis CI
- migration to v4 API endpoints
- switch from sp to sf (GDAL3 / PROJ6)
- fix bug in the tiles download function
- badly formatted url caused all tiles except the first to fail
- include Hawaii and Puerto Rico mosaics into the NCSS subset function
- switch from nested list structure to a tidy data frame (tibble) as a default
- changed = to <-
- use http_error() instead of try() wrappers
- trap server errors in unit checks, will skip if service is down
- skip ancillary functions on CRAN (conflicts and issues)
- code cov back to ~94% (local / Travis), 57% on CRAN builds
- future proofed the read_daymet() function, to make things worry free
- new addition of a function by calc_nd() to calculate nr. days which adhere to certain conditions
- additional platform checks using r-hub (tip by Colin Fay)
- Move to new API base url
- Simplified download commands + error trapping
- Simplified the extraction of header meta-data
- new function to aggregate gridded data: daymet_grid_agg()
- robust header detection until # prefix is in place
- new function to read in single pixel data: read_daymet()
- Formal CRAN submission
- additional documentation
- Added vignettes as additional documentation
- Included support for monthly and average products in NCSS (netcdf) downloads
- Included netcdf to geotiff conversion script (handy utility)
- Renaming of functions daymet_tile_tmean() to daymet_grid_tmean()
- includes support for all gridded data
- Renaming of daymet_tile_offset() to daymet_grid_offset()
- includes support for ncss data
- Implemented unity checks through testthat for all functions
- Included code coverage checks and status badge
- Travis CI warnings == errors
- Added a
file to track changes to the package - Added NCSS subset support
- Migration to Daymet V3
- Move to httr for download routines
- Added tile subsetting routines
- First release