ARMv7m HAL layer supports microcontrollers based on ARM Cortex-Mx architecture. Source code is located in hal/armv7m
.word _end + 1024 + 256
.word _start
First two words on memory address 0x00000000 define initial stack and code entry point. Stack is set at the end of BSS + size of the stack.
.word _exceptions_dispatch /* NMI */
.word _exceptions_dispatch /* HardFault */
.word _exceptions_dispatch /* MemMgtFault */
.word _exceptions_dispatch /* BusFault */
.word _exceptions_dispatch /* UsageFault */
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word _exceptions_dispatch /* SVC */
.word _exceptions_dispatch /* Debug */
.word 0
.word _interrupts_dispatch /* PendSV */
.word _interrupts_dispatch /* Systick */
Next memory part defines exception and interrupt handlers.
cpsid if
bl _stm32_init
ldr r0, =_edata
bl main