We love contributors and people willing to help.
- Report issues
- Fix typos and grammar
- Add new content
- Improve existing chapters
Below is described procedure for contributing to this repository in particular and some extra information about it.
Fork this repository over GitHub
Create a separate branch for instance
so you will not need to rebase your fork if your master branch is mergedgit clone [email protected]:your_username/PHP.earth cd PHP.earth git checkout -b patch-1
Make changes, commit them and push to your fork
git add . git commit -m "Fix typo" git push origin patch-1
Open a pull request
This repository uses Markdown syntax and follows cirosantilli/markdown-style-guide style guide.
Code examples follow PSR-1, PSR-2 and extended code style guide proposal.
The preferred spelling of English words is the American English (e.g. behavior, not behaviour).
Use gender-neutral language (instead of he or she use they, them, their, theirs, themselves).
Use second person point of view (instead of I and we, use you). Avoid nosism.
Some images are created with the [draw.io][draw.io] tool.
Contents include the YAML front matter blocks with the following parameters to define extra content information:
- image used for open graph
Labels are used to organize issues and pull requests into manageable categories. The following labels are used:
- bug - Attached when a bug is reported.
- duplicate - Attached when the same issue or pull request already exists.
- enhancement - New feature.
- invalid - Attached when
- question - Attached for questions or discussions.
- wontfix - Attached when decided that issue will not be fixed.
By contributing to this repository you agree to share your knowledge under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.