Looney Pyramids aka Icehouse pieces is a game system invented by Andrew Looney. The following are good sites of information about Looney Pyramids:
- https://www.looneylabs.com/looney-pyramids (official site)
- https://www.icehousegames.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page (unofficial wiki)
This R package provides a looney_pyramids()
configuration that make it
easier to make Looney Pyramids graphics with piecepackr.
- The code of this R package is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. This license is compatible with version 3 of the GNU Public License (GPL-3).
- Under American law I likely cannot claim any copyright on any Looney Pyramid graphical output (e.g. game diagrams and animations) a user creates with this package. Furthermore, I relinquish any copyright claims to such graphical output in any jurisdiction (if any exist) that does grants me any such rights.
- Looney Pyramids are trademarked and patented by Looney
Labs. They do not permit commercial
use of Looney Pyramids without permission. They seem cool with
- Creating new Looney Pyramids games. But don’t try to independly publish such a game while including Looney Pyramids in your product nor creating commercial electronic versions of Looney Pyramids games.
- Making Icehouse pieces for personal use (note they definitely would mind if someone commercially manufactured icehouse pieces without permission)
- (Non-commercial) fan art and game playing aids
Within R do:
remotes::install_github("piecepackr/ppgames") # suggested
This package contains a looney_pyramids()
configuration. One can draw
2D graphics using grid.piece()
cfg <- looney_pyramids()$icehouse_pieces
dft <- tibble(piece_side="tile_back", x=1.5, y=1.5, suit=NA, rank=NA, angle=NA)
dfp <- tibble(piece_side=c("pyramid_face", "pyramid_left", "pyramid_right", "pyramid_back"),
x=c(1,2,2,1), y=c(2,2,1,1),
suit=1:4, rank=c(1:3,3), angle=seq(90, 360, 90))
df1 <- rbind(dft, dfp)
dft <- tibble(piece_side="tile_back", x=3.5, y=3.5, suit=NA, rank=NA, angle=NA)
dfp <- tibble(piece_side="pyramid_top",
angle=seq(0, 630, 90))
df2 <- rbind(dft, dfp)
df <- rbind(df1, df2)
pmap_piece(df, grid.piece, cfg = cfg, default.units = "in")
One can use piece3d()
to draw 3D graphics using the rgl
dfb <- tibble(piece_side = "board_face",
x = 0, y = 0, suit = 6, rank = 3, cfg = "checkers2")
dfp1 <- tibble(piece_side = "pyramid_top", x=0, y=0, rank = 3, suit = 2,
cfg = "icehouse_pieces")
dfp2 <- tibble(piece_side = "pyramid_face",
x = rep(c(-2, 0, 2), 3),
y = rep(c(2, 0, -2), each=3),
angle = c(45, 0, -45, 90, 0, -90, 135, 180, -135),
suit = rep(1:6, length.out=9),
rank = rep(1:3, length.out=9),
cfg = "icehouse_pieces")[-5, ]
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(dfb, dfp1, dfp2)
view3d(phi=-30, zoom = 0.8)
if (Sys.which("wmctrl") != "") system("wmctrl -r RGL -e 0,-1,-1,600,600")
envir = c(looney_pyramids(), game_systems("sans3d"))
pmap_piece(df, piece3d, envir = envir, trans = op_transform, scale = 0.99)
There are also functions which perform board set ups for games that use Looney Pyramids:
sets up Martian Chess, an abstract by Andrew Looney.ppdf::piecepack_alien_city()
sets up Alien City, an abstract by Michael Schoessow.
Here is an exmaple of using df_martian_chess()
and the PPN parser ppgames::read_ppn()
in order to animate a game of Martian Chess.
game <- read_ppn(system.file("ppn/martian-chess.ppn", package = "piecenikr"))[[1]]
envir <- c(looney_pyramids(), game_systems())
animate_game(game, file = "man/figures/martian-chess.gif",
annotate = FALSE, envir = envir,
n_transitions = 6L, n_pauses = 4L, fps = 8,
trans = op_transform, op_scale = 0.25, op_angle = 90,
pt_thickness = 0.3)