This project has below implementations,
- Handles all the global errors/exceptions that gets raised in pm4l-core-connector.
- Implements HealthRouter for GET /health endpoint.
Build the project to generate the jar.
mvn clean package
Use this jar as dependency in pm4ml-core-connector.
<dependency> <groupId>com.modus.pm4ml.core.connectors.common</groupId> <artifactId>core-connectors-camel-common</artifactId> <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>
In the core connector, implement the route for "direct:extractCustomErrors".
Below is the sample implementation of this route, in core connector.
Declare the route for, "direct:extractCustomErrors"
import com.modusbox.client.processor.CustomErrorProcessor; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public final class CustomErrorRouter extends RouteBuilder { private CustomErrorProcessor customErrorProcessor = new CustomErrorProcessor(); public void configure() { from("direct:extractCustomErrors") .process(customErrorProcessor) ; } }
Add this router to the Camel Context
<bean id="customErrorRouter" class="com.modusbox.client.router.CustomErrorRouter" /> <camel:camelContext> .... .... <camel:routeBuilder ref="customErrorRouter"/> </camel:camelContext> or you can load whole package into the camel context like below, <camel:camelContext> <camel:package>com.modusbox.client.router</camel:package> </camel:camelContext>
Implement the CustomErrorProcessor to handle Core Connector specific errors.
import com.modusbox.log4j2.message.CustomJsonMessage; import com.modusbox.log4j2.message.CustomJsonMessageImpl; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.Processor; import org.apache.camel.http.base.HttpOperationFailedException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component("customErrorProcessor") public class CustomErrorProcessor implements Processor { CustomJsonMessage customJsonMessage = new CustomJsonMessageImpl(); @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { String reasonText = "{ \"statusCode\": \"5000\"," + "\"message\": \"Unknown\" }"; String statusCode = "5000"; int httpResponseCode = 500; // The exception may be in 1 of 2 places Exception exception = exchange.getException(); if (exception == null) { exception = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, Exception.class); } if (exception != null) { if (exception instanceof HttpOperationFailedException) { HttpOperationFailedException e = (HttpOperationFailedException) exception; String errorDescription = "Downstream API failed."; try { if (null != e.getResponseBody()) { /* Below if block needs to be changed as per the error object structure specific to CBS back end API that is being integrated in Core Connector. */ JSONObject respObject = new JSONObject(e.getResponseBody()); if (respObject.has("returnStatus")) { statusCode = String.valueOf(respObject.getInt("returnCode")); errorDescription = respObject.getString("returnStatus"); } } } finally { reasonText = "{ \"statusCode\": \"" + statusCode + "\"," + "\"message\": \"" + errorDescription + "\"} "; } } customJsonMessage.logJsonMessage("error", String.valueOf(exchange.getIn().getHeader("X-CorrelationId")), "Processing the exception at CustomErrorProcessor", null, null, exception.getMessage()); } exchange.getMessage().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, httpResponseCode); exchange.getMessage().setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json"); exchange.getMessage().setBody(reasonText); } }
In the core connector, add HealthRouter to the Camel Context
<bean id="healthRouter" class="com.modusbox.client.router.HealthRouter" /> <camel:camelContext> .... .... <camel:routeBuilder ref="healthRouter"/> </camel:camelContext> or you can load whole package into the camel context like below, <camel:camelContext> <camel:package>com.modusbox.client.router</camel:package> </camel:camelContext>
And add below as servicebean to cxf server,
<bean class="com.modusbox.client.jaxrs.HealthApiImpl"/> Eg: <camelcxf:rsServer ....> <camelcxf:serviceBeans> .... .... <bean class="com.modusbox.client.jaxrs.HealthApiImpl"/> </camelcxf:serviceBeans> .... .... </camelcxf:rsServer>