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355 lines (266 loc) · 13.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



Build system












  • Added ChatGrid functionality to React frontend using Langchain, Flask, PostGreSQL and OpenAI
  • Transition from GitLab to GitHub, including CI/CD pipelines, spack package, and issues
  • ExaGO now depends on HiOp 1.0.0. Next release will require HiOp 1.0.1+ as HiOp API changed

Build system

  • Updated DEBUG compiler flags for CXX and CUDA builds to include -Werror,-Wall,-Wextra and other verbose options


  • Add RAJA / HiOp sparse GPU solver support
  • Summary statistics of the optimized solution are returned in MATPOWER, JSON and MINIMAL OPFLOW output formats
  • OPFLOW output filename can now be specified as argument to -save_output option
  • OPFLOW allows load shedding fraction and cost for individual loads. A new variable is added to MATPOWER input to handle this


  • Sub-problem solves are timed and those times are recorded in sub-problem output. This only works for the EMPAR and HIOP solvers. Zero times are reported when the IPOPT solver is used.


  • Sub-problem solves are timed and those times are recorded in sub-problem output. See SCOPFLOW note about solver compatibility


  • Fixed file type displayed in GitHub GUI


  • Add Spack CPU GitHub action to test minimal exago builds with MPI enabled
  • Add additional weaker tolerance to objective value and number of iterations in functionality tests, with a warning file generated when failing strict tolerance.
  • Add CI on Incline with Spack module pipelines (AMD / HIP GPU machine at PNNL)
  • Add Spack module pipelines to Ascent, with Crusher pipelines to come in 1.6.1


  • Cleaned up string output formatting and removed duplicate test output from parallel MPI tests



  • Removed TAO solver support
  • Various fixes for matpower input and PSSE/PowerWorld contingency files
  • Support minimal builds without HiOp/Ipopt for OPFLOW/PFLOW only builds
  • Added preliminary visualization frontend to ExaGO

Build system

  • Moved to classes for Python wrapper development to enable builds without all solvers enabled
  • Allowed disabling of spdlog
  • Fixed CMake bugs for MacOS and builds without RAJA.
  • Disable SCOPFLOW/SOPFLOW when HiOp/Ipopt is disabled as appropriate.


  • Add minimal output format for OPFLOW solutions


  • Added Python interface for SCOPFLOW.
  • Fixed troubles with Python instance creation and destruction. Destruction of an unsolved SCOPFLOW instance no longer causes a SEGV.


  • Added Python interface for SOPFLOW.


  • Updated ExaGO user manual with latest development activities


  • Enabled Ipopt on all testing platforms (Deception)
  • Fully support memory space configuration for HiOp in testing
  • Added Ascent pipeline status to GitLab for MRs only, using a push mirror instead of pull mirror
  • CI was substantially re-factored, with ability to re-build testing dependencies at PNNL through commit messages.


  • Updated issue and MR templates
  • Updated main README with viz and graphics, and fix pipeline status badge



  • OPFLOW, SOPFLOW, and SCOPFLOW can run on AMD GPUs (requires HIP)
  • C++ standard changed to 14 in preparation for supporting newest RAJA and Umpire
  • PFLOW exclusive build is enabled when building without Ipopt and HiOp
  • Python wrapper is temporarily disabled when building without Ipopt and HiOp

Build system

  • Added EXAGO_ENABLE_LOGGING flag to enable/disable logging
  • Add automatic module generation using Spack to GitLab pipelines for PNNL
  • Transition to tracking spack configuration for Newell, Deception and Ascent to repository
  • ExaGO now depends on Petsc 3.18.0: and HiOp 0.7.0:
  • Remove CMake OpenMP linking when compiling without RAJA
  • Refactored GitLab CI scripts into separate files and updated syntax
  • Allow building without spdlog


  • Added OPFLOWSetWeight() for setting weight for OPFLOW. This is done for using with SCOPFLOW and SOPFLOW to set the probabilities or weights for scenarios and contingencies.
  • OPFLOW can run on AMD GPUs now.
  • The memory space for HIOP can be set with option -hiop_mem_space.


  • Support for PTI contingency files. Use .con file extension.


  • Read-in weights for scenarios set through the scenario files.
  • Solve SOPFLOW with scenario weights


  • Added -hiop_memspace option


  • Add tests for OPFLOW Objective function for a known network and reference solution
  • Convert to using pytest for Python tests


  • Add template profiling scripts from SRP HPC Summer Project
  • Update Authors


Build system

  • No longer set the C++ compiler to hipcc when building on ROCm platforms.
  • Add new CMake option EXAGO_CTEST_LAUNCH_COMMAND to allow users to toggle the command used to launch CTest tests


  • Document new CMake option EXAGO_CTEST_LAUNCH_COMMAND



  • Added mpi4py as a dependency to ExaGO when building with Python and MPI.
  • Expanded opflow python wrapper with updated documentation.

Build system

  • Added build system support for finding external python modules.
  • Improved option handling mechanisms for Python wrapper.


  • Added API PSCopy() to copy PS object data


  • DC Optimal power flow (DCOPF) implementation. Can be used as an initialization OR as an OPFLOW model.
  • Added API OPFLOWSkipOptions() for skipping options (needed for DCOPF initialization)
  • Added select monitor of lines (inequality constraints) for OPFLOW. The selection is currently based by KV levels. The user can provide KV levels to monitor via option -opflow_monitor_kvlevels or OPFLOWSetLinesMonitored() to have OPFLOW include these line flows as inequality constraints. Default is to monitor all lines.
  • Added getters for various opflow fields that were previously inaccessible.


  • Fixed bugs in configuring SCOPFLOW subproblems. Added API for SCOPFLOWEnablePowerImbalanceVariables, SCOPFLOWEnablePowerImbalanceVariables, SCOPFLOWSetComputeMode and SCOPFLOWSetComputeMode.


  • Read-in weights for scenarios set through the scenario files.
  • Solve SOPFLOW with scenario weights


  • Added testing for python with mpi4py, but still require testing without MPI.
  • Re-enabled python tests on Ascent.
  • Convert existing smoke tests for SCOPLFOW and SOPFLOW to toml based testing.



  • Python bindings re-released using pybind11 instead of the ctypes bindings. This is required to build python bindings when shared libraries are disabled.
  • Removed -no_optfile option and searching options file in default path. Use -optionsfile option to explicitly set the options file.
  • Updated help messages with clearer default options

Build system

  • Depend on HiOp's exported cmake configuration to configure HiOp interoperation. Many CMake find package scripts have been removed as a result.
  • Use of Pkgconfig instead of PETSc cmake modules.
  • ExaGO depends on HiOp v0.5.3 and PETSc v3.16 and above.


  • Native Python bindings to the PFLOW ExaGO library have been added.


  • Replaced quadratic load loss objective with linear.
  • Native Python bindings to the PFLOW ExaGO library have been extended.


  • Defaults to corrective mode of operaation


  • Defaults to corrective mode o operation
  • Added translator for converting native .cont contingency format to .con PSSE format.


  • Update Python documentation.
  • Add release checklist.
  • Add and extend developer guidelines.


  • Improved error messages for functionality tests. Reasons for failure are printed in the TOML output.
  • First of a new suite of unit tests has been added.
  • Added unit test for new internal logging api.
  • Misc fixes for more robust continuous integration.


  • Updated case9mod_gen3_wind.m to (a) have no reactive power for wind generator, (b) tighter bounds on generator bus voltages.
  • Added case9mod_loadloss.m as a test network for non-zero load loss.


  • Added feature of setting selected lines to monitor
    • OPFLOWSetMonitoredLines()
    • run-time option -opflow_monitor_line_kvlevels



  • Added clang format utility script and formatted source code
  • Use spdlog for logging instead of hand-rolled logger


  • Added new solver HIOP for SCOPFLOW
  • New API functions
    • SCOPFLOWSetSubproblemModel allows setting of subproblem model. Used with HIOP solver only.
    • SCOPFLOWSetSubproblemSolver allows setting of subproblem solver. Used with HIOP solver only.


  • Added new solver HIOP for SOPFLOW
  • New API functions
    • SOPFLOWSetSubproblemModel allows setting of subproblem model. Used with HIOP solver only.
    • SOPFLOWSetSubproblemSolver allows setting of subproblem solver. Used with HIOP solver only.


  • Updated changelog file


  • Updated tests for OPFLOW, SCOPFLOW, and SOPFLOW


  • Added a new object scenariolist to manage scenarios.
  • Updated object contingencylist to manage contingencies



  • Patch to bring ExaGO into full compliance with xSDK policies and update our compliance document



  • Hotfix to update versions in user manual and CMake



  • Third-party library compatibiity changes
    • HiOp - 0.5.1
    • Umpire - 0.14.0
    • RAJA - 6.0.0
    • MAGMA - 2.6.1
  • Added ExaGOCheckError in lieu of CHKERRQ
  • Added ExaGOInitialize and ExaGOFinalize to manage ExaGO initialization and finalization.
  • Added python wrapper for ExaGO. Not made public.
  • Added developer guidelines docs/

Build system

  • Added formatting checks for cmake codebase in CI
  • CMake targets exported under ExaGO:: namespace


  • New API functions
    • PSSet/GetGenStatus - Set/get generator status
    • PSSet/GetLineStatus - Set/get line status
    • PSSett/GeGenPowerLimits - Set/get generator real and reactive power limits
    • PSGetGenDispatch - Get generator dispatch


  • Modified OPFLOW HIOP interface to use HIOP version 0.5.
  • Removed applications opflow-proto.c and opflow-proto2.c
  • Added new solver HIOPSPARSE for solving with HiOP sparse solver. Only works on CPU.
  • OPFLOWInitializationType enum for managing opflow initialization types.
  • New API functions
    • OPFLOWSetHiOPComputMode - Set HiOp compute mode
    • OPFLOWSetHiOpVerbosityLevel - Set HiOp verbosity level
    • OPFLOWHasLoadLoss - Set load loss active
    • OPFLOWHasPowerImbalance - Set power imbalance active
    • OPFLOWSetInitializationType - Set initialization type
    • OPFLOWIgnoreLineFlowConstraints - Activate/Deactivate line flow constraints
    • OPFLOWSetBusPowerImbalancePenalty - Set penalty for power imbalance
    • OPFLOWGetPS - Return the PS object
    • OPFLOWSetUpPS - Set up the PS object
    • OPFLOWSolutionToPS - Transfer OPFLOW solution to PS


  • Added HIOP solver interface. Not public yet.
  • New API functions
    • SCOPFLOWSetInitializationType - Set initialization for OPFLOW
    • SCOPFLOWSetGenBusVoltageType - Set generator bus voltage control mode
    • SCOPFLOWSetNumContingencies - Set the number of contingencies
    • SCOPFLOWSetMode - Set the control action mode (preventive or corrective)
  • Multiperiod API functions
    • SCOPFLOWSetPload/QloadData - Set data files for Pload/Qload
    • SCOPFLOWSetLoadProfiles - Set the load profiles Pload and Qload files
    • SCOPFLOWSetWindGenProfile - Set wind generation profile file
    • SCOPFLOWSetDuration - Set the duration for multiperiod SCOPFLOW
    • SCOPFLOWSetTimeStepandDuration - Set the time-step and duration


  • New API functions
    • SCOPFLOWSetInitializationType - Set initialization for OPFLOW
    • SCOPFLOWSetGenBusVoltageType - Set generator bus voltage control mode
    • SCOPFLOWSetNumContingencies - Set the number of contingencies
    • SCOPFLOWSetMode - Set the control action mode (preventive or corrective)
  • Multiperiod API functions
    • SCOPFLOWSetPload/QloadData - Set data files for Pload/Qload
    • SCOPFLOWSetLoadProfiles - Set the load profiles Pload and Qload files
    • SCOPFLOWSetWindGenProfile - Set wind generation profile file
    • SCOPFLOWSetDuration - Set the duration for multiperiod SCOPFLOW
    • SCOPFLOWSetTimeStepandDuration - Set the time-step and duration


  • Added top-level documentation
  • Added file doc/ with updated spack documentation
  • Removed outdated spack documentation
  • Removed TAO solver from README and the manual
  • Updates to the manual and README for changes to the different ExaGO features


  • Added TOML-based testing system for applications
  • Remove CMake-based functionality tests


  • Added change log file

[v1.0.0] - 3-31-2021

  • First public release of ExaGO