All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Removed the "time" dependency when doing spatial only subsetting.
- Updated xarray enhancement get_indexers_from_nd function for SMAP_RSS_L2_SSS_V6.
- Fix minor bug in checking for empty indexers and same data bounds.
- Added custom exception to progate error messages to harmony.
- Added an automated release step for main branch in github actions.
- Handle OB.DAAC files, which do not have time variables
- Update harmony library from 1.0 to 2.0 which changes the import harmony structure
- issue/267: Add xtrack and atrack dimension options for get_nd_indexers when bounding box subsetting is performed on SNDR.
- Fix temporal subsetting ghrsst dataset by adding time delta to time variable.
- Add a function to test ghrsst dataset ability to access variables when mask_and_scale is true.
- Update l2ss-py to allow the return of empty granules.
- Removed old cmr association files, Dockerfile, and cmr updater script
- issue/260: Add gpm cleanup function to add a timeMidScan variable if the timeMidScan variable isn't present. Function takes the years, months, days etc ScanTime variables and creates a single time variable using datetime.datetime library.
- Update code to determine lat lon time variables
- Update xarray version
- pull/248: add Harmony extra_args.cut parameter to subset_params in service adapter
- issue/258: fix so that ScanTime is what determines a GPM file
- issue/240: for time vars that need datetime conversion, allow numpy arrays of n dimension to be able to convert. Create the same shape array in start time, then add the seconds since the start date to get our datetime format for temporal subsetting.
- Moved 'Push Tag' step to end of Github Action
- issue/234: allow indexing on lat/lon variables with 3 dimensions. Rows axis is 2, collumns axis is 1
- Updated dependency versions to latest possible
- Upgraded
to 0.6.0
- Fix shapefile subsetting if there is more than a 2d in lon lat in shapefile that includes a third dimension
- pull/227: Fix null time values in TEMPO results when spatial+temporal subsetting
- pull/231: Improve fix for null time values by ensuring null valuesdon't persist on edges of longest row of True values
- Updated dependency versions to latest possible
- pull/216: Updated all python to 3.10 and update all depencency versions
- issue/209: Update code so dims are created if they don't already exists.
- Update way we modify shapefile from 180 to 360 lon lats.
- issue/205: Add coding capability for when groups have same dimension names but different values. Xarray rename dims is utilized
- issue/220: Check if the time variables being found haven't already been found. Add time_vars as an extra arguement in compute_time_variable_name
- issue/182: Update code so doesn't remove '/' on attribute values.
- issue/178: Add function to make sure dimension in subset is same as original file
- Update github action umm updater to 0.5.0
- issue/172: Fix shapefile subsetting by passing correct variable to subset function.
- issue/119: GPM variable dimensions are renamed from "phony_dim" to the dimension names in the variable attribute "DimensionNames"
- issue/184: boundary box argument at the command line is changed to allow decimal numbers (i.e., floats) for coordinates
- issue/189: Fix temporal subsetting for SWOT collections, use mask_and_scale args for opening granule file if we have an overflow in time fill value, use original dataset encoding when writing file.
- issue/194: Return coordinate variables if requested in a variable subset
- issue/153: Remove the asc_node_tai93 variable when blank in the SNDR collections for xarray.decode_times to decode.
- PODAAC-5538: Reduce memory footprint of l2ss by loading each variable individually to write to memory
- issue/155: lat var name prefix now generalized to unique group names. Group variables determined in subset_bbox using the unique group name.
- issue/162: allow time variable subsetting differences handled for MLS and OCO3 collections. At the moment: assuming 'he5' files to be tai93 files is a fine assumption. Xarray does not decode these times in he5 files
- issue/168: A separate copy of test data is used to get expected results before subsetting at the beginning of two test functions --- test_subset_empty_bbox() and test_specified_variables() --- that rely on opening the dataset more than once.
- PODAAC-5537: Fixed AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_V5 dataset
- Update github action docker versioning to use pep440
- issue/170: Prioritize getting time variables if 'time' == var_time_name over 'time' being in the var name such as 'SunLocalTime'.
- issue/173: Variables without any spatial dimensions in "indexers" array should get copied over to the subsetting new_dataset after the xarray.where() function is applied.
- issue/142: Changed handling of duplicate dimensions as part of integration with new TEMPO ozone profile data.
- issue/149: Fixed compression level for netCDF4 object variable creation into a string. Will need to address after netcdf4 rebuilds library. Unidata/netcdf4-python#1236
- issue/143: Fixed bug when not specifying any variable subsetting for grouped datasets.
- issue/126: Added flexibility to variable subsetting for variables to not have leading slash in the front
- issue/136: Added type annotations throughout the package code
- PODAAC-5065: integration with SMAP_RSS_L2_SSS_V5, fix way xarray open granules that have
seconds since 2000-1-1 0:0:0 0
as a time unit. - issue/127: Fixed bug when subsetting variables in grouped datasets. Variable names passed to
will now have/
replaced byGROUP_DELIM
so they can be located in flattened datasets
- issue/115: Added notes to README about installing "extra" harmony dependencies to avoid test suite fails.
- issue/85: Added initial poetry setup guidance to the README
- issue/122: Changed renaming of duplicate dimension from netcdf4 to xarray per issues in the netcdf.rename function. Unidata/netcdf-c#1672
- issue/119: Add extra line for variables without any dimensions after a squeeze in compute_time_vars():
- issue/110: Get the start date in convert_times and reconvert times into original type in _recombine groups method.
- issue/113: SNDR collections use
as data type, added extra line of logic to handle this datatype in xarray_enhancements. SNDR file added for test cases with these variable types.
- issue/106: he5 temporal subsetting for determining start time. Find start time in units attributes or work back from first UTC time.
- issue/93: Added input argument to cmr updater to disable association removal
- issue/105: Added function to convert np object to python native objects.
- issue/98: Added logic to handle time decoding for he5 tai93 files. Changed the min and max inputs to tai93 format and compared to the time format in the file
- pull/101: Updated docker image to
- issue/99: Updated python dependencies including v1.0.20 of harmony-service-lib
- Breaking Change issue/99: Removed support for python 3.7
- issue/95: Fix non variable subsets for OMI since variables are not in the same group as the lat lon variables
- Added Shapefile option to UMM-S entry
- Added optional coordinate variable params
- issues/78: Pass coordinate variables from service to l2ss-py
- Updated dependency versions
- issues/88: Build pipeline manually pushes tag rather than use action-push-tag
- issues/72. Fix SMAP_RSS_L2_SSS_V4 subsetting, changed calculate chunk function.
- issues/9. Determinate coordinate variables using cf_xarray.
- Changed CLI step in build action to use snyk monitor so that report is uploaded to SNYK podaac org
- issues/46. Flattening of h5py file.
- issues/39: Exposed shapefile subsetting capability to Harmony
- issues/58. Expand coordinates to accomodate OMI files latitude variable in OMI has a capital L for Latitude that needs to be added to the list in get_coordinate_variable_names.
- Remove OCO3 test. Get_coordinate_variables passed OMI and fails OCO3 because OCO3 has a multiple Latitude variable. Subset with bbox method is not applied properly to OCO3. Further manipulating will need to be done - OMI is a higher priority.
- issues/61. Variables without dimensions should be included in the output subset. Previous code was adding dimension to variables in tropomi and SNDR as well as not have enough memory to {SCALAR} dimensions.
- issues/50: Spatial bounds are computed correctly for grouped empty subset operations
- Added
option tocmr-umm-updater
- Upgraded
to 0.2.1
- issues/48: get_epoch_time_var was not able to pick up the 'time' variable for the TROPOMI CH4 collection. Extra elif statement was added to get the full time variable returned.
- issues/54: Skip encoding when xr dataset is empty
- issues/27: Xarray is unable to handle variables with duplicate dimensions. Module added to handle variables that may have duplicate dimensions. Method remove_duplicate_dims() creates a new dimension identical dimension to the dimensions originally duplicated so the dimension does not need to be duplicated and can have the same shape and values.
- issues/24: Added support for time as lines
- issues/36: Empty datasets will now maintain attributes, variables, and dimensions where each variable contains a single data point where the value is masked.
- issues/34: Fixed bug that did not allow variable subsetting in OCO3 files. Fix includes adding the variable list in subset_bbox method
- Updated dependency versions
- issues/32: Fixed bug when given variables to subset that have a '/' character in the variable name, they would not appear in the output.
- issues/20: Fixed bug where spatial indexing was including extra dimensions causing output file to drastically increase in size
- issues/10: Fixed bug where variable dimensions are assumed to be the same across all variables in a group in recombine_group_dataset method. When variables are written out, shape must match.
- issues/28: Fixed bug where variable dtype would be type object, the code would raise exception. Fix adds logic to handle type object
- issues/11: Added .squeeze on lat in get_time_var method. Added GROUP_DELIM to the root group variables.
- issues/17: Integrated with cmr-umm-updater
- issues/15: Changed the way groups are handled so that variables at the root of a file are not ignored. Groups now include the '/' level group
- Fixed bug where temporal and variable subsetting resulted in failure
- PODAAC-3620: Added a script for running l2ss-py locally without Harmony
- PODAAC-3620: Updated README with details about how to test l2ss-py
- Moved to!
- PODAAC-3657: Appropriate Harmony base URL is used in UMM-S entry based on venue
- PODAAC-3530: Improved logic that determines coordinate variables
- Updated UMM-S record to indicate temporal subsetting is available
- PODAAC-3627: Fix subsetting MERGED_TP_J1_OSTM_OST_CYCLES_V42 collection
- Added VIIRS and S6 collection associations
- PODAAC-3441: Added temporal subsetting capability
- Updated dependency versions. (harmony-serivce-lib to 1.0.9)
- PODAAC-3494
- Fix filename derived_from in the json_history metadata.
- PODAAC-3493
- Fix subsetted granule is larger than original file.
- PODAAC-3353
- Sync associations with hitide umm-t
- PODAAC-3361
- Add history_json attribute after subsetting
- Removed ending slash from UMM-S entry so it works with EDSC
- PODAAC-3209
- Added the ability to subset granules with groups
- PODAAC-3158
- Upgraded
to 1.0.4 - Use
from PyPI instead of nexus/maven
- Upgraded
- PODAAC-2660
- Coord variables are retained in a variable subset, even if not requested
- PODAAC-3353
- Sync associations with hitide umm-t
- PODAAC-3158
- Updated dependencies to address Snyk warning
- PODAAC-3011
- Added pillow 8.1.0 and pyyaml 5.4 to fix vulnerabilities from snyk
- HARMONY-616 - Updated to 0.0.30 of the harmony service library
- Updated UMM-S record to indicate spatial and variable subsetting are supported
- PCESA-2282 - Added harmony-service to deploy podaac/subsetter directly into Harmony ecosystem
- PCESA-2307 - Added variable subsetting to harmony-service
- PCESA-2280 - Subset returns new spatial bounds after subset
- PCESA-2324 - Added shapefile subset capabilities to the module
- PCESA-2308
- Updated Jenkins pipeline to push to ECC nexus
- Moved harmony service into the built poetry project
- PCESA-1750 - Added UMM-S updater service and cmr/ directory that stores the json profile and associations.txt (which contains concept-ids) locally
- PCESA-2231 - Updated to use the new SNS baseworker, Job Service, and Staging Service
- PCESA-2195 - Subset will not fail when bounding box contains no data. Instead, an empty file is returned.
- PCESA-2296 - Updated L2SS to use both CAE artifactory and the PODAAC artifactory settings, added tool.poetry.source in pypyoject.toml
- Added missing ops.tfvars
- PCESA-2177 - Added CodeBuild to build pytest Integration Tests
- PCESA-2176 - Added pytest integration tests (IT) to run at SIT
- PCESA-2192 - Added automatic End-to-End deployment (Artifactory and ECR) to Jenkins pipeline
- PCESA-2174 - Simultaneously deploy sit and sit-#### stacks via terraform+workspaces to the SIT environment.
- PCESA-2175 - L2SS jenkins job, upon creation of a PR, deploys the l2ss to the sit environment using the developer/PR workspace and stack naming conventions
- PCESA-1789 - Increased memory of ECS tasks to 750
- PCESA-2178 - Upon completion of the automated testing destroy the SIT DEV stack.
- PCESA-2203 - Fixed the JobException to use the parent exception error message.
- PCESA-2202 - Update L2SS to to verify that terraform workspace matches ticket, then after complete delete workspace ticket
- PCESA-1639 - Use t3 instances to enable 'unlimited' credits by default for cpu bursting
- PCESA-1815 - Parse incoming
json field and pass to subsetter
- PCESA-1779 - Added ESB subscription to SNS topic instead of placing message on SQS
- PCESA-1530 - Throw error when bbox cannot be parsed
- PCESA-1530 - Throw error when 'lat' and 'lon' not in variables
- PCESA-1530 - Throw error when data dimensions is < 2
- PCESA-1824 - Added new JSON format logging using python-json-logger library
- PCESA-1550 - Updated to use amazon2 linux ECS ami
- PCESA-1413 - Added pre-baked terraform usage to Jenkins