You should understand the meaning of the following terminal commands and related words:
bash, shell, root, path, . .. ~ / * cd, ls, pwd, cp, mv, mkdir, rm, rmdir, sudo, chmod, chown, ps, top, man, which, history, more, less, head, tail, env, $PATH, node, vim, emacs, git
You should understand the meaning of the following git terminology:
local repo, remote repo, working directory, origin, clone, branch, status, checkout, add, remove, commit, staged, untracked, merge, push, pull
You should be able to do the following basic git actions:
- Create a repository
- Clone a repository
- Check the status of a local repo
- Create a new local branch
- Move from one branch to another
- Add changes to be committed
- Commit a set of changes
- Pull master from origin
- Push a branch to origin
- Make a pull request
You should understand the meaning and behavior of the following:
- Operators:
+ _(numeric and string)_
- / * %
== === != !== < > <= >=
= += -= /= *= %=
++X --X X++ X--
! && ||
- Statements and keywords:
if () {...}
if () {...} else {...}
- Special primitives:
- Vocabulary:
infix, prefix, postfix, unary, binary, ternary, evaluation, operator, operand, type, number, integer, float, string, numeric string, string literal, concatenation, interpolation, boolean, expression, statement, primitive, auto-conversion, type coercion, parsing, precedence, declare, initialize, keyword, REPL, mod, conditional, condition, consequent, block, short-circuit, truthy/truish, falsey/falsish
You should be able to:
Work confidently in the console of at least one browser and in the node REPL.
Declare and initialize variables, and use assignment and incremental assignment operators to modify them.
Articulate branching conditions both with and without boolean operators.
Use short-circuit boolean operators in conditional evaluation.
Anticipate the behavior of special Numbers (NaN, Infinity), non-integer numbers, and non-numbers in computations.
Use common mathematical functions from the Math and Number objects.
Manipulate variables to represent and solve simple arithmetic and geometric problems.
Parse any expression, deconstructing it into a tree of constituent expressions and tracing their evaluation in the correct order.
Notice all operators with side-effects and track any changes in the value of variables.
Predict the exact result of any expression whose constituent values are known.
Reason about the possible behavior of expressions which contain some unknown values.
Trace on paper the execution of simple programs.