WARNING: These instructions are obsolete and likely don't work well anymore.
The prplmesh repository has been moved to https://gitlab.com/prpl-foundation/prplMesh
A lot of repositories that were once separate have been combined into this one, removing the need for a manifest file.
Instead of using repo
, it's recommended now to just use git clone
to get that code.
See the project at the new location for more info
Deploy all prplMesh repos in a single tree using google repo tool
Download & install google repo - https://source.android.com/setup/build/downloading
Optional - to avoid ssh keys and password reprompt, add the following to ~/.gitconfig:
[url "https://github.com/"]
insteadOf = [email protected]:
[url "https://github.com/"]
insteadOf = ssh://[email protected]/
Then run the following commands to fetch the code:
repo init -u https://github.com/prplfoundation/prplMesh-manifest.git
repo sync
repo forall -p -c 'git checkout $REPO_RREV'
Each component can be built with CMAKE, or use maptools.py build command - see prplMesh-tools