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Pytest assert rewrite causes serialzation problem with dill #10845

4 tasks done
potiuk opened this issue Mar 28, 2023 · 33 comments
4 tasks done

Pytest assert rewrite causes serialzation problem with dill #10845

potiuk opened this issue Mar 28, 2023 · 33 comments
topic: rewrite related to the assertion rewrite mechanism


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potiuk commented Mar 28, 2023

Pytest assert rewrite causes serializing issue with dill - apparently it makes AssertRewriteHook present (including output redirection in the code being serialized by airflow, that gets properly serialised when assert rewriting is disabled.

Context: When we added python_files = "*.py" to Apache Airflow in order to not accidentally skip some of our tests ( apache/airflow#30315 ) at some point one of our tests : tests.operators.test_python.TestPythonVirtualenvOperator.test_airflow_context started to fail with mysterious error:

                # Check for a __reduce_ex__ method, fall back to __reduce__
                reduce = getattr(obj, "__reduce_ex__", None)
                if reduce is not None:
>                   rv = reduce(self.proto)
E                   TypeError: cannot pickle 'EncodedFile' object

../../../../.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/lib/python3.9/ TypeError

When debugging with debugger, you can see that what happens is that dill is attempting to serialize AssertionRewrritingHook - and since the hook contains references to some files (captured stdout/stderr) - those cannot be serialized by dill.

ModuleSpec(name='airflow.macros', loader=<_pytest.assertion.rewrite.AssertionRewritingHook object at 0x1289c0a90>, origin='/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/airflow/airflow/macros/', submodule_search_locations=['/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/airflow/airflow/macros'])

This does not happen when assert rewrite is turned off, unfortunately I have not found a good workaround to exclude something wia PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE commend , so a I had to separate out the test to run separately from other tests with --assert=plain as workaround.

Rewrite is the most likely reason because either adding --assert=plain solves the problem.

Interesting clue. I could also fix the problem by adding exclusion via python_files. Initially we had python_files = ["test_*.py"] and the problem did not appear. The problem started to appear when we changed it to python_files = ["*.py"]. I performed a trial-and-error bisecting on the name that causes the problem and it seems that it is that causes problem (I tried to add PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE to the files we have in the system and it does not solve the problem). Reproduction steps showing that are also added.

I've opened a PR to cassandra to include PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE datastax/python-driver#1142 and in Apache Airflow we have PR to autoamaticallly patch cassandra driver with it apache/airflow#30315, but those are merely workarounds for the problem.


An easy way to reproduce it:

  1. Pull the CI image of Airlfow that contain the workaround and all the airflow dependencies (it contains patched
docker pull
  1. Enter the image (you will be dropped into shell with everything ready to run the tests):
docker run -it
  1. Run the test in question:
pytest tests/operators/

We have the test currently skipped so this results in:

SKIPPED [1] tests/operators/ assertion rewriting breaks this test because dill will try to serialize AssertRewritingHook including captured stdout and we need to run it with --assert=plainpytest option and PYTEST_PLAIN_ASSERTS=true
===================================================================== 1 skipped in 0.03s ======================================================================

  1. Run the test with PYTEST_PLAIN_ASSERTS=true
PYTEST_PLAIN_ASSERTS=true pytest tests/operators/

This test fails with long exception and stack trace :

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dill/", line 912, in save_module_dict
    StockPickler.save_dict(pickler, obj)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/", line 972, in save_dict
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/", line 998, in _batch_setitems
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/", line 578, in save
    rv = reduce(self.proto)
TypeError: cannot pickle 'EncodedFile' object

If you debug it - you will see that AssertionRewritingHook is the object contributing the file to serialize by dill.

  1. Run the same test with assert rewrite disabled:
PYTEST_PLAIN_ASSERTS=true pytest tests/operators/ --assert=plain

Result - the test succeeds:

tests/operators/ PASSED                                                               [100%]

Why in some way '` is a problem?

  1. Modify pyproject.toml (in current working dir) to change:
python_files = [


python_files = [
  1. Run the same test as in 4) above:
PYTEST_PLAIN_ASSERTS=true pytest tests/operators/

It will fail again with TypeError: cannot pickle 'EncodedFile' object

  1. Change the pyproject.toml to anything else than - for example t*.py:
python_files = [
  1. Repeat the command from 7) - it should succeed this time
PYTEST_PLAIN_ASSERTS=true pytest tests/operators/

I tried to bisect the name -> it continues to fail as you add y*.py, ya*.py etc - up to Seems that INCLUDING in the list of the python_files triggers the error.

Mandatory information:


  • Pytest: 7.2.2
  • OS: docker container based on debian buster (official Python 3.10 image - same for other python versions)

Linux 209653871bc9 5.15.0-67-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 22 14:14:39 UTC 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The output of pip list:

Package                                Version     Editable project location
-------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------
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SecretStorage                          3.3.3
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SQLAlchemy-Utils                       0.40.0
sqlparse                               0.4.3
sshpubkeys                             3.3.1
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stack-data                             0.6.2
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statsd                                 4.0.1
sympy                                  1.11.1
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tzlocal                                4.3
uamqp                                  1.6.4
uc-micro-py                            1.0.1
unicodecsv                             0.14.1
Unidecode                              1.3.6
uritemplate                            3.0.1
urllib3                                1.26.15
userpath                               1.8.0
vertica-python                         1.3.1
vine                                   5.0.0
virtualenv                             20.21.0
volatile                               2.1.0
watchtower                             2.0.1
wcwidth                                0.2.6
webencodings                           0.5.1
websocket-client                       1.5.1
Werkzeug                               2.2.3
wheel                                  0.40.0
wrapt                                  1.15.0
WTForms                                3.0.1
xmltodict                              0.13.0
yamllint                               1.30.0
yandexcloud                            0.206.0
yarl                                   1.8.2
zeep                                   4.2.1
zenpy                                  2.0.25
zict                                   2.2.0
zipp                                   3.15.0
zope.event                             4.6
zope.interface                         6.0
zstandard                              0.20.0
  • a detailed description of the bug or problem you are having
  • output of pip list from the virtual environment you are using
  • pytest and operating system versions
  • minimal example if possible
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Zac-HD commented Apr 8, 2023

Hi @potiuk - thanks for the report! It seems like this should be reproducible in a much simpler environment (e.g. just using dill, without Airflow or any containers); would you mind trying to construct a minimal reproducing example?

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potiuk commented Apr 8, 2023

Unfortunately, I have no idea how and what causes the problem in other way, without airflow. Just to explain it - I have no idea why the way it is used, triggered the error.

So following the best way I could help - I observed the error occurs in this environment, and I prepared an easy way to reproduce the environment, that anyone can do, but working out the other way, starting from scratch and trying to reproduce it without airflow, is - I am afraid - beyond my current skills, because I simply have no idea how asserts rewrite work - unfortunately.

Instead I prepared a reproducible example (where It is already very easy to reproduce with the image which shows the problem, and for somoene who knows more about how pytest and assert rewrite works should be much easier to figure out what's going on. You do not need to know what airflow is, - it's just an easily reproducible environment where you can debug and test and see the effect of disabling/enabling assert rewrite.

I do not know even where to start if I were to start from scratch, to be honest, because I simply have no idea what triggers the issue. But I know the env with docker can be debugged if you have enough knowledge about pytest, I think.

If it is a generic issue with dill, then probably you could prepare such a minimum example wiht far less effort than me, and if it is another reason, then I would have to try to find out what really generates it (I even have not written the test myself, so I am not sure what to do to generate such error).

UPDATE: See below - actually, it turned out to be easy and the minimum reproducible example is below

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

But - I'd really love to help to find/solve the issue and maybe that will help you to attempt to make a fix that you would be able to test in the environment I provided? That might be much faster than trying to reproduce a minimal case if we work together.

I think with intelligent guess, I know what happens and even how to fix it, but I lack some more detailed knowledge about pytest internal architecture. But I can make some intelligent guesses.

I believe, the issue seem to be be because somewhere in the code, we are trying to serialize the whole module with dill and AssertRewriteHook during test has an open opened capture stream which cannot be serialized and the hook keeps a reference to it, so when dill tries to serialize the module, it fails:

This is where it happens:

  1. Dill tries to serialize the module:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dill/", line 912, in save_module_dict
    StockPickler.save_dict(pickler, obj)
  1. This in turn serializes everything that is stored as module attribute (looks like it tries to save module attributes as dict).

  2. This tries to serialize the whole module, including "loader" object - which from my debugging, looks like pytest uses "AssertionRewritingHook" loader when asserts rewriting is on (likely to capture assert output and rewrite it somehow):

ModuleSpec(name='airflow.macros', loader=<_pytest.assertion.rewrite.AssertionRewritingHook object at 0x1289c0a90>, orig
  1. Now, the dill fails when trying to serialize EncodedFile:
 TypeError: cannot pickle 'EncodedFile' object
  1. The only place I could find EncodedFile (the reason for dill refusing to serialize the module) was in "capture" module of pytest. So my quess is that the AssertionRewritingHook apparently somewhere keeps reference to capture manager that captures stdout/stdin ( ) - which likely transitively keeps reference to an open EncodedFile object and this causes the problem. Simply dill is trying to serialize AssertionRewritingHook that contains a transient state that should not be serialized.

Proposed solution (If I am right of course):

I think the solution (though I do not know how exactly to apply it) is to make AssertionRewriteHook to become a serializable object - by making the Stateful AssertionRewriteHook serializable by following this stateful object semantics from pickle (i.e. implement _get_state and _set_state methods that would remove the non-serializable state (open files) from the serialized dictionary when saving and restore the files on deserializing.

Maybe that will be helpful to attempt it (by someone who knows better the internal architecture of the Hook/Pytest)?

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

Actually following the approach from #10844 and testing my own assumptions above, I found a minimal reproducible example. Requires pyenv, dill, pytest installed.

Here are the minium reproducible steps:

pyenv virtualenv 3.9 dill-pytest
pyenv activate dill-pytest

pip install pytest dill

mkdir test

cat >test/ <<EOF
import dill
import sys
this_mod = sys.modules[__name__]

def test_serialize():

pytest test/

Produces (Mac OS M1):

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 03 20 41

When you repeat with plain asserts, it works fine:

pytest test/ --assert=plain

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 03 22 19

You can see the nicely serialized module with -s:

pytest test/ --assert=plain -s

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 03 23 19

I hope this one (and the one in #10844) - will be helpful and are easy-enough to be incorporated in your test suite.

Let me know, please if you need some more input

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

And obligatory version dump:

Collecting dill
  Using cached dill-0.3.6-py3-none-any.whl (110 kB)
Collecting pytest
  Using cached pytest-7.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (320 kB)
Collecting iniconfig
  Using cached iniconfig-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (5.9 kB)
Collecting pluggy<2.0,>=0.12
  Using cached pluggy-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (13 kB)
Collecting packaging
  Using cached packaging-23.0-py3-none-any.whl (42 kB)
Collecting tomli>=1.0.0
  Using cached tomli-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (12 kB)
Collecting exceptiongroup>=1.0.0rc8
  Using cached exceptiongroup-1.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (14 kB)
Installing collected packages: tomli, pluggy, packaging, iniconfig, exceptiongroup, dill, pytest
Successfully installed dill-0.3.6 exceptiongroup-1.1.1 iniconfig-2.0.0 packaging-23.0 pluggy-1.0.0 pytest-7.3.0 tomli-2.0.1

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

BTW. I am also happy if I could get someone to guide me - if my theory about the serialization seems plausible - on where and how this problem could come from, - i.e. where such open non-serializable capture object is kept, and I might attempt to provide a fix (but for now my knowledge about pytest internals is very low, so it would be super-hard to start - but with some guidance, I might be able to find my ways and make a PR.

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Zac-HD commented Apr 9, 2023

Fantastic work! Unfortunately I'm not an expert on this particular code, but hopefully someone else will be able to help out. It's at least clearly either a Pytest interop issue, or (less likely?) a bug in dill revealed by Pytest doing something unusual.

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As far as I can tell dill tries to serialise modules like normal objects, which as far as I understand python modules is categorically wrong

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

Not really. This a feature of dill that it serializes modules and we are legitimately usng it in Airflow to serialize Python code between virtualenvs. So dill serializing modules is expected behaviour and this behaviour is broken when assert rewriting is used.


dill can also pickle more 'exotic' standard types:
functions with yields, nested functions, lambdas,
cell, method, unboundmethod, module, code, methodwrapper,
methoddescriptor, getsetdescriptor, memberdescriptor, wrapperdescriptor,
dictproxy, slice, notimplemented, ellipsis, quit

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To me that reads like dill choose to explicitly transfer things that are serialization unsafe in a unsafe way and now there is sudden surprise

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

I see it differently. Dill promise is that it will allow to serialize modules that do not have any inherent serializability problems. It is true that not all modules will be serializable but many will (and we are relying heavily on that feature in Airflow).

The problem i see is that this is classing HeisenBug - enabling testing harness is changing behaviour of tested classes, which should be minimized. Testing harness should not do it in general. This module is - in essence serializable, but enabling assert rewriting makes it non-serializable. So i would classify it as a a problem of the testing harness that can be improved by making the AssertRewritingHoolk either serializable or skipped when serializing.

I just think it might improve coverage of cases where Pytest's asset rewriting interferes with tested code (this is very similar case with the other issue I opened about Cassandra - in both cases the harness is less transparent that it can be and this is an improvement opportunity to make it more transparent.

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Loaders are practically non serializable state

Dill ignoring that implies dill is categorically wrong

But we can have the serialization attempt raise a more indicative exception for the hook itself

One that makes it abundantly clear that the method of module serialization is unsafe by design and can be "enabled" by disabling the hook

Dill is clearly doing something that works by chance and is broken by design, I'm not going to pretend it's a theoretically sound approach

But I'm ok with giving people information on how to use this footgun as the airflow ecosystem seems to lack a better mechanism

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

Just note - it's ot only airflow. Apache Beam for example is heavily relying on dill to distribute serialized code and execute individual methods of the python on the remote end without having to recreate complete virtualenvs with all dependencies in all the workers - this is pretty common use case in the data engineering world where you want have arbitrary dependencies added as imports while serializing and executing individual methods in a distributed environments (that helps in scaling and managing such distributed systems).

I am not going to defend dill, but i love to discuss it and find out from them what is the rationale about the decision - and I am happy to open an issue in dill & similarly as I opened it here. Coming from OSS an Apache environment I prefer to make judgments on such things after a discussion and hearing the parties involved to understand the context - my experience tells me that my own judgment my be wrong because i lack important context, and something that i judge as wrong is because i either do not understand the case or lack the context. So i will refrain from judging if dill can do better or not, maybe there are reasons for serializing it in this way it is done now that neither I nor You are aware of..

But i am not 100% sure if my assumptions are right. I only 'guessed' that the serialization problem comes from AssertionRewritingHook being set as loader. I do see that when asset rewriting is on, the problem occurs but it goes away when I turn it off. I also noticed (somehow accidentally as i it is not exposed in the docs) that assertion rewriting enabling changes the loader to be the hook. And i also see that the error comes from the fact that somewhere the module being serialized has EncodedFile opened that dill attempts to serialize if rewrite is on and it seems to come from capturing stdout/err output.

So my guess is that this is the loader that gets serialized, but i might be wrong about it. I simply do not know pytest internals enough to know what is the root cause, and i was hoping with the minimally reproducible case, pytest maintainers can help to asses it - and once we confirm the mechanism that is going on here - i am happy to bring it to dill as well and ask them what is the reason why they are serializing loaders (if we determine here it is through loaders that we get that issue) - maybe we can all learn a thing or two via the discussion and figure out together how to solve it best.

So - i guess my question is - can we confirm the theory i came with has some grounds? Would you be able to confirm it? If so - aI am happy to bring it to dill and see if they maybe propose another solution. But maybe (for example) it is pytest that separately adds the captured output files to the module ? Or maybe it does not have to be added at all and the fact the EncodedFile is added to module is accidental ? I would love to understand it.

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Use a editable install of pytest and make the reduce method of the assert rewrite hook/loader raise a type error

Extra points if it includes the details I mentioned and a unittest for a pr

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

I was hoping that providing miniumum reprodsucible environment (which I prepared) was there to help pytest maintainers who are knowledgeable about the architecture to be able to verify the hypothesis I made? Are you asking me to debug pytest to learn about your architecture?

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

I mean - I probably could do it If I had an infintie amount of time, but Is there anything I can help to leveraage your experience and help to investigate the problem you have other that getting generic advices on how to debug it?

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

BTW. Here is stackrace after I added init to EncodeFile thowing RuntimeError:

And run pytest test/ after following your advice with adding editable install and adding runtime error:

class EncodedFile(io.TextIOWrapper):
    __slots__ = ()
    # Added these two lines below
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        raise RuntimeError("EncodedFile must not be instantiated")

Not sure if this is helpful - but this is the stacktrace.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/tests-dill/bin/pytest", line 8, in <module>
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/config/", line 189, in console_main
    code = main()
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/config/", line 147, in main
    config = _prepareconfig(args, plugins)
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/config/", line 328, in _prepareconfig
    config = pluginmanager.hook.pytest_cmdline_parse(
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 265, in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 80, in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 55, in _multicall
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/", line 103, in pytest_cmdline_parse
    config: Config = outcome.get_result()
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 60, in get_result
    raise ex[1].with_traceback(ex[2])
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 39, in _multicall
    res = hook_impl.function(*args)
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/config/", line 1067, in pytest_cmdline_parse
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/config/", line 1354, in parse
    self._preparse(args, addopts=addopts)
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/config/", line 1256, in _preparse
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 265, in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 80, in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 60, in _multicall
    return outcome.get_result()
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 60, in get_result
    raise ex[1].with_traceback(ex[2])
  File "/Users/jarek/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/envs/tests-dill/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pluggy/", line 34, in _multicall
    next(gen)  # first yield
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/", line 149, in pytest_load_initial_conftests
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/", line 753, in start_global_capturing
    self._global_capturing = _get_multicapture(self._method)
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/", line 695, in _get_multicapture
    return MultiCapture(in_=FDCapture(0), out=FDCapture(1), err=FDCapture(2))
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/pytest/src/_pytest/", line 468, in __init__
    self.tmpfile = EncodedFile(

I do not really understand how you use pluggy intenrally and the architecture, so I am not even sure if this is the usage of EncodedFile that causes the problem, but Is there anything else I can type and provide output of ?

Anything else I can type to help ?

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potiuk commented Apr 9, 2023

Use a editable install of pytest and make the reduce method of the assert rewrite hook/loader raise a type error

What do you mean by reduce method of the assert rewrite hook/loader raise a type error - could you please explain what you mean?

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for both
and you need a
__reduce__ or __reduce_ex__ method that raises a type error with the repr of self

im currently very short on time as paternity leave gets more interesting

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potiuk commented Apr 12, 2023

I also got my holiday break - but I will come back to it shortly. Thanks for the pointers. Will follow up from here.

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ktbarrett commented Jan 6, 2025

assertion rewriting is also causing issues with loading scipy if any of their files match the python_files. See scipy/scipy#22236. It's also affecting cocotb/cocotb#4343. In both cases, as in this case, python_files is set to *.py. If we were able to specify negative matches we could easily avoid the issue by adding something like ! scipy/**/*.py or something, or ! dill/**/*.py for this issue.

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There's an elephant in the room which it seems we haven't been talked about yet: Why does python_files = *.py cause dill/numpy modules to be rewritten at all‽ The intention (and documentation) for python_files is to give pytest a pattern for finding test files (e.g. in the current directory when running pytest).

However, the assertion rewrite logic then reuses python_files as a "raw" pattern to match filenames against:

self.fnpats = config.getini("python_files")
except ValueError:
self.fnpats = ["test_*.py", "*"]

# modules not passed explicitly on the command line are only
# rewritten if they match the naming convention for test files
fn_path = PurePath(fn)
for pat in self.fnpats:
if fnmatch_ex(pat, fn_path):
state.trace(f"matched test file {fn!r}")
return True

Of course we want test files to benefit from assertion rewrite, but even with the default patterns, if we import .venv/lib/python3.X/site-packages/somepackage/statistics/ in a test file, why should that be automatically be rewritten?

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I believe its cause the testing is against the working directory so the paterns apply

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ktbarrett commented Jan 7, 2025

(e.g. in the current directory when running pytest).

Why is this? Why only in the current directory? What about "common" testing code located in a different directory? This is desired behavior IMO.

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Perhaps what's needed rather than having users have to list all code they want tested/rewritten is to have a feature that packages can default-opt-out. Imagine a .gitignore or py.typed like feature.

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That's going to break the world

Assert rewrite is opt in

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Why is this? Why only in the current directory?

Because assertion rewriting is intended for assertions in your tests, which typically are in the directory you invoke pytest in (probably inside pytest's rootdir would have been the better phrasing).

What about "common" testing code located in a different directory?

You should call pytest.register_assert_rewrite() for them, also see the assertion how-to. In fact, the current behavior contradicts that already (emphasis mine):

pytest only rewrites test modules directly discovered by its test collection process, so asserts in supporting modules which are not themselves test modules will not be rewritten.

This is desired behavior IMO.

Perhaps what's needed rather than having users have to list all code they want tested/rewritten is to have a feature that packages can default-opt-out. Imagine a .gitignore or py.typed like feature.

I disagree. As you can see here, assertion rewriting can introduce subtle bugs and environment differences. The last thing you want during testing is to test a different situation than what your code is actually running in. I also don't see a big benefit: If non-test code has asserts, that code already needs to take care of proper output on an assertion failure (e.g. assert len(entries) == 1, entries) because the assert might as well trigger outside pytest, so there's very little benefit in any kind of assert introspection there.

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There's an elephant in the room which it seems we haven't been talked about yet: Why does python_files = *.py cause dill/numpy modules to be rewritten at all‽

Of course we want test files to benefit from assertion rewrite, but even with the default patterns, if we import .venv/lib/python3.X/site-packages/somepackage/statistics/ in a test file, why should that be automatically be rewritten?

Am I reading this correctly as recognition that this is a pytest bug?

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I think there are two sides to this:

  • pytest does assertion rewriting for everything (even third-party modules outside of the test rootdir) if python_files = *.py is set. IMHO that is a pytest bug, though I never really was deeply involved with the assertion rewriting code, so I'd love to hear what other maintainers think.
  • Code involving dill/scipy breaks when being rewritten. That might be an issue with how pytest does things, or it might be an issue with how dill/scipy does things. I didn't look into those in detail. However, if pytest wouldn't do assertion rewriting in there in the first place, I suppose it wouldn't matter much either.

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lucascolley commented Jan 8, 2025

thanks, that is clear! The nicest solution to me does seem like a better way to specify "all source python files" than python_files = *.py, in case that has to have unexpected side effects with assertion rewriting. But removing those unexpected side effects would also work.

That might be an issue with how pytest does things, or it might be an issue with how dill/scipy does things.

In SciPy, the problem is roughly:

  1. in the source code, a relationship holds between module_1.__all__ and module_2.__all__ (something like "for all foo in module_1.__all__, foo_bar in module_2.__all__")
  2. some code relies on this relationship
  3. pytest rewriting breaks this relationship by injecting @py_builtins into module_1.__all__, since @py_builtins_bar is not in module_2.__all__.

perhaps this is an intended use-case for PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE as described at

But the issue of pytest rewriting external libraries seems more fundamental.

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That's going to break the world

perhaps this is an intended use-case for PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE as described at

Hmmm... looks like my suggestion is already supported and doesn't break the world.

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ktbarrett commented Jan 8, 2025


This could be more usable. I'm not going to sit there and type out 100+ modules that need to be rewritten. Perhaps this could benefit from pattern matching as well? Or being able to specify entire packages?

If you are going to fix the issue and make python_files = *.py not rewrite everything, then is it possible to do the opposite of PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE and have a PYTEST_REWRITE?

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Hmmm... looks like my suggestion is already supported and doesn't break the world.

From what I can gather, PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE is intended for usage in test modules and plugins which for some reason want to opt out of rewriting (e.g. because they're testing stuff related to the import system maybe?). I'm not sure how you get from that to "rewriting everything is already supported".

This could be more usable. I'm not going to sit there and type out 100+ modules that need to be rewritten.

What's your usecase for wanting assertion rewriting in "100+ modules"?

Perhaps this could benefit from pattern matching as well? Or being able to specify entire packages?

From the documentation above: "This function will make sure that this module or all modules inside the package will get their assert statements rewritten."

If you are going to fix the issue and make python_files = *.py not rewrite everything, then is it possible to do the opposite of PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE and have a PYTEST_REWRITE?

I don't think that will work, since pytest currently bails out early (and lets the normal Python import system handle an import) if it determines a module shouldn't be rewritten. But with that, it follows that there's no way for it to check how the docstring of a module that shouldn't be rewritten looks like.

Maybe there's a case to be made for some sort of config setting telling pytest what to rewrite (but then again, you can just call register_assert_rewrite with a package already). But as I already mentioned over in #13111 I completely fail to understand what's your use-case for all this is in the first place.

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