Releases: qld-gov-au/web-template-release
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
QOL-7538 Full width hero image on Aggregation page, updated the hero image on the Aggregation page to full width. New optimum resolution for images are 1600 x 361 pixels. | - | Yes | - | - | - |
QOL-7546 Section navigation enhancements, updated the styling of section navigation across SWE. To support all the applications we added the new styles with a class .qg-section-nav. Exisiting nav styles will work with the ID #qg-section-nav | - | Yes | - | - | - |
QOL-7405 Services list page on qld - feedback form thank you page error | - | - | Yes | - | - |
QOL-7647 In iOS devices the 'Expand all' and 'Collapse all' does not show an outline - Accordion | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
QOL-7412 New SWE component: Clickable cards | - | Yes | - | - | - |
DC-18068 Post-production issues - Global Header and Footer | - | Yes | Yes | - | - |
DC-18792 Bootstrap map file not found error fix (fixed console warning map file not found) | - | - | Yes | - | - |
DC-18815 Franchise print CSS | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
Critical "Red" variation of Alert component | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Style changes to "Hint" text | - | Yes | - | - | - |
New SWE component: Secondary (outline) button | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Switched Matrix assets from CDN to GitBridge | - | - | - | - | - |
Transfer tables styles from Matrix to SWE | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Print style fix for IE 11 (print cutting off content) | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
Alert strip Styles enhancements (center aligned on small screen devices) | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Callout component enhancements | - | Yes | - | Yes | - |
Themed checkboxes & radio buttons: Optional image | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Card component additional features | - | Yes | - | Yes | - |
Remove position:sticky from new header (mobile / tablet) ( Header now scrolls with the page) | - | Yes | - | - | - |
Fixed page content is hidden on mobile view (fixed a bug where content is hidden on multiple selections between 'menu' and 'search') | - | - | Yes | - | - |
IE11 fix for the reset() function in feedback-form.js | - | - | Yes | - | - |
An urgent update applied to SWE form library to fix a bug in relation to visibility of alert boxes.
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
Forms alerts visibility on submit (fixed a function in SWE's legacy Form script which was deleting all content from sections with class="alert alert-warning"). | - | - | Yes | - | - |
The SWE4 release will be instigated by the release of major improvements to the global header and footer. Notable changes include:
UI/UX improvements
- Fluid, full width layout
- Responsive design
- Reduction in links to minimise distractions
- Increased negative space
- Improved GA integration to enhance data collection abilities
Primary navigation
- The primary navigation appears in the global header, and is designed to allow easy navigation across the Queensland Government website
- The primary navigation consists of 'For Queenslanders' and 'Contact us' menu items
- On click, the 'For Queenslanders' menu item reveals a mega menu containing a list of curated links to all franchises and a button which navigates the customer to the franchise landing page
-This curated list of links excludes Business & Industry & Government employees, as these appear in the Portal links feature) - On click, the 'Contact us' menu item navigates the customer to the Queensland Government contact page (
- On mobile, customers can interact with the primary navigation by clicking on the hamburger menu on the top left of the screen
Truncated breadcrumbs
- The breadcrumbs appear above the page content area, and allow a customer who is reading content to know where the page they are viewing sits within the site hierarchy
- On Desktop, breadcrumbs truncate more than 4 pages (shows ellipsis)
- 'Queensland Government Home' updated to 'Home’
- On mobile, breadcrumbs are replaced with link to [Parent page]
- Removed 'For Queenslanders’ link
- The visual weight of the breadcrumbs have been reduced
Improved search feature
The search feature appears in the global header, and allows customers navigate directly to specific information and services from anywhere within the website
This search feature consists of the following components:
- On focus, a set of curated links grouped into "Popular services" and "Browse by category" categories are displayed to the customer
- On input by the customer, an auto-complete list with suggested terms will be displayed, along with a curated featured service and a list of related services (both where applicable)
Franchises may request a service to be featured by contacting Queensland Online
Contact Us module
The Contact Us module appears in the global footer, and is designed to help customers that want to quickly find Queensland Government contact details
The Contact Us module contains the 13QGOV and 134 COVID phone numbers, and links to the Queensland Government Facebook and Twitter pages as well as the Queensland Government Contact us page.
Improved Website Feedback
The Website Feedback module appears in the global footer, and is designed to help customers easily provide feedback about the website
The Website Feedback form replicates the existing Website feedback form, providing a series of questions for the customer to complete.
Portal links
The Portal Links module is designed to help users navigate to the following websites:
- Service finder
- Business and industry
- Government employees (i.e. ForGov)
On click, the 'Business and industry' and 'Government employees' menu items reveal a sub-menu with a curated set of links reflecting the main categories of the relative website
On mobile, customers can interact with the portal links by clicking on the hamburger menu on the top left of the screen
Social sharing module
The Social Sharing module appears beneath the main content area, and is designed to help users share the page they are on directly to their social media feed, so that they can share information they are reading with their connections.
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
DC-16164 Squiz FB component bug | - | - | YES | - | - |
DC-16577 Date formatting issue with IE11 date picker polyfill localisation | - | - | YES | - | - |
DC-15089 New social media tab to alerts homepage | - | YES | YES | - | - |
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
QOL-6359 Enhanced existing components to include custom GA tags | - | - | - | - | YES |
QOL-6369 Fixed Accordion accessibility issue (keyboard interaction) | - | YES | YES | - | - |
QOL-6414 Fixed autocomplete.js bug where hidden [name=query] input isn't in DOM | - | - | YES | - | - |
QOL-6433 Fixed Quick exit to work on IE11 | - | - | YES | - | - |
QOL-6415 Change to recaptcha default include in footer | - | - | YES | - | YES |
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
Fixed Auto complete on IE 11 misalignment | - | YES | - | - | - |
HTML5 Date polyfill to support IE11 | - | - | YES | - | YES |
Fixed Twitter share functionality | - | - | YES | - | - |
Aggregation page enhancements | - | YES | - | - | - |
Quick Exit enhancements | - | YES | YES | - | - |