The following AppleScript code should be saved as a standard AppleScript .scpt file named Convert Units To... in ~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/Actions.
Put Quicksilver's first pane into text mode and then type in a value with units. Select this action in the second pane, then put the third pane into text mode and type in the units you want to convert the value into. The result will be returned into Quicksilver's first pane.
Temperatures can be converted between the Celsius (ºC), Fahrenheit (ºF), and Kelvin (K) scales.
When entering temperature units, the degree symbol may be entered as "º" (press ⌥0), "*", "deg" or "degrees", or it may be skipped entirely. The scale can be indicated using either its letter symbol or its full name. The term "centigrade" can be used as a synonym for Celsius. The script can handle the symbols ºC and ºF regardless of whether they are composed using º followed by the appropriate letter, or using the single Unicode characters ℃ and ℉.
For a list of other available units, open /usr/share/misc/units.lib in TextEdit.
This script uses the units
command line tool to get the required
conversion rates, and then calculates the new values based on those
The numerical value can be a simple number (e.g. 10, -48, 67.528, etc.) or an arithmetic expression you want to evaluate (e.g. 16^2-56, 2+2, 95/5, etc.). If no numerical value is supplied, the default value of 1 will be used.
First pane (in text mode) | Second pane | Third pane (in text mode) | Result |
3 m/s | Convert Units To... | miles/hour | 6.7108089 miles/hour |
10 kg/m^3/s | Convert Units To... | lbs/gallon/day | 7210.4294 lbs/gallon/day |
-15 ºC | Convert Units To... | Fahrenheit | 5 ºF |
450 deg F | Convert Units To... | K | 505.372222 K |
using terms from application "Quicksilver"
on process text thetext with args
return convertUnits(thetext, args)
end process text
on get argument count
return 2
end get argument count
on get direct types
return {"NSStringPboardType"}
end get direct types
on get indirect types
return {"NSStringPboardType"}
end get indirect types
end using terms from
on convertUnits(input, targetUnits)
--replace "º" with "deg" because that is easier to process below
set input to my findReplace("º", "deg", input)
set targetUnits to my findReplace("º", "deg", targetUnits)
--split value from units
set input to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of input & " | perl -pe 's/\\s(?!$)/\\0/ ; s/(?<=\\d)\\B(?=[a-zA-Z])/\\0/'"
if input does not contain string id 0 then set input to "1" & string id 0 & input
set {inputValue, inputUnits} to my delimitText(string id 0, input)
--Process Unicode symbols for ºC and ºF. This is easier in AppleScript than perl.
set inputUnits to my findReplace("℃", "degC", inputUnits)
set targetUnits to my findReplace("℃", "degC", targetUnits)
set inputUnits to my findReplace("℉", "degF", inputUnits)
set targetUnits to my findReplace("℉", "degF", targetUnits)
(* The regular expressions in perlSubstitutions do the following:
1) Reformat various ways that the user might enter units for temperature.
2) Allow "h" for the unit "hour". If "h" is being used as the "hecto-" prefix or as part of a longer unit name, it will not be altered.
3) Allow "L" or "l" for the unit "litre". If "L" or "l" are being used as part of a longer unit name, it will not be altered.
4) Allow "g" for the unit "gram", and "mg" for the unit "milligram". If "g" is being used as part of a longer unit name, it will not be altered.
set perlSubstitutions to {¬
"s/centigrade/Celsius/g", ¬
"s/\\b(C|\\*C|ºC|deg C|degrees C|degCelsius|deg Celsius|degrees Celsius|Celsius)\\b/degC/", ¬
"s/\\b(F|\\*F|ºF|℉|deg F|degrees F|degFahrenheit|deg Fahrenheit|degrees Fahrenheit|Fahrenheit)\\b/degF/", ¬
"s/\\b(\\*K|ºK|degK|deg K|degrees K|degKelvin|deg Kelvin|degrees Kelvin|Kelvin)\\b/K/", ¬
"s/\\bh(?![a-zA-Z])/hour/g", ¬
"s/\\b[Ll](?![a-zA-Z])/litre/g", ¬
"s/\\bg(?![a-zA-Z])/grams/g", ¬
set inputUnits to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of inputUnits & " | perl -pe " & quoted form of my concatenateList(" ; ", perlSubstitutions)
set targetUnits to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of targetUnits & " | perl -pe " & quoted form of my concatenateList(" ; ", perlSubstitutions)
--Convert the input value
set conversionRate to (do shell script "units " & quoted form of inputUnits & space & quoted form of targetUnits)
if conversionRate contains "conformability error" or conversionRate contains "unknown unit" then error conversionRate
set conversionRate to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of first paragraph of conversionRate & " | perl -pe 's/^\\s*// ; s/^\\(-> x// ; s/^\\*(?!\\s)/\\* / ; s/\\)$//'"
set convertedValue to inputValue & " * " & item 2 of my delimitText("* ", conversionRate)
set convertedValue to (run script convertedValue) as text
set convertedValue to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of convertedValue & " | perl -pe 's/(\\.\\d+)0*$/$1/ ; s/\\.$//'"
on error errMsg
return errMsg
end try
--Reformat certain target units to proper unit symbols
set targetUnits to my findReplace("degC", "ºC", targetUnits)
set targetUnits to my findReplace("degF", "ºF", targetUnits)
set targetUnits to my findReplace({"milligrams", "milligram"}, "mg", targetUnits)
set targetUnits to my findReplace({"grams", "gram"}, "g", targetUnits)
set targetUnits to my findReplace({"litres", "liters", "litre", "liter"}, "l", targetUnits)
set targetUnits to my findReplace({"hours", "hour"}, "h", targetUnits)
return convertedValue & space & targetUnits
end convertUnits
on findReplace(findText, replaceText, sourceText)
set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to findText
set sourceText to text items of sourceText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceText
set sourceText to sourceText as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
return sourceText
end findReplace
on delimitText(delims, sourceText)
set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delims
set sourceText to text items of sourceText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
return sourceText
end delimitText
on concatenateList(delim, sourceText)
set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
set sourceText to sourceText as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
return sourceText
end concatenateList