A package for analysing COVID-19 Argentina’s outbreak
Release | Usage | Development |
Install the R package using the following commands on the R console:
The repository is private so it have to be cloned first for installation
# install.packages("devtools")
First add variable with data dir in ~/.Renviron
. You will recieve a
message if you didn’t do it.
COVID19AR_data_dir = "~/.R/COVID19AR"
#> Loading required package: readr
#> Loading required package: readxl
#> Loading required package: R6
#> Loading required package: checkmate
#> Loading required package: rvest
#> Loading required package: xml2
#> Attaching package: 'rvest'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
#> guess_encoding
#> Loading required package: dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Loading required package: lgr
#> Loading required package: reshape2
#> Loading required package: knitr
#> Loading required package: COVID19analytics
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'ggplot2::Layout' by 'lgr::Layout' when
#> loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'dplyr::intersect' by 'lubridate::intersect'
#> when loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'dplyr::union' by 'lubridate::union' when
#> loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'dplyr::setdiff' by 'lubridate::setdiff' when
#> loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'magrittr::equals' by 'testthat::equals' when
#> loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'magrittr::not' by 'testthat::not' when
#> loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'magrittr::is_less_than' by
#> 'testthat::is_less_than' when loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'dplyr::matches' by 'testthat::matches' when
#> loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'testthat::matches' by 'tidyr::matches' when
#> loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'magrittr::extract' by 'tidyr::extract' when
#> loading 'COVID19analytics'
#> Loading required package: httr
#> Loading required package: jsonlite
#> Loading required package: testthat
#> Attaching package: 'testthat'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#> matches
# Downloads csv from official source at:
# http://www.deis.msal.gov.ar/index.php/base-de-datos/
#> [1] FALSE
consolidated.deaths.stats <- ConsolidatedDeathsData.class$new()
# Consolidates all years and includes the different codes as factor in the data frame
data.deaths <- consolidated.deaths.stats$consolidate()
#> INFO [16:08:47.235] Reading {file: DefWeb12.csv}
#> WARN [16:08:47.654] 2012
#> WARN [16:08:47.654] CAUSA
#> WARN [16:08:47.654] Codes I84 in field CAUSA not coded
#> WARN [16:08:47.654] I84
#> WARN [16:08:47.654] 1
#> INFO [16:08:47.788] NA values {count: 47155, field: MAT}
#> INFO [16:08:47.817] Reading {file: DefWeb13.csv}
#> WARN [16:08:48.147] 2013
#> WARN [16:08:48.147] CAUSA
#> WARN [16:08:48.147] Codes I84 in field CAUSA not coded
#> WARN [16:08:48.147] I84
#> WARN [16:08:48.147] 1
#> INFO [16:08:48.174] NA values {count: 48249, field: MAT}
#> INFO [16:08:48.244] Reading {file: DefWeb14.csv}
#> WARN [16:08:48.626] 2014
#> WARN [16:08:48.626] CAUSA
#> WARN [16:08:48.626] Codes I84 in field CAUSA not coded
#> WARN [16:08:48.626] I84
#> WARN [16:08:48.626] 2
#> INFO [16:08:48.651] NA values {count: 48105, field: MAT}
#> INFO [16:08:48.822] Reading {file: DefWeb15.csv}
#> WARN [16:08:49.124] 2015
#> WARN [16:08:49.124] CAUSA
#> WARN [16:08:49.124] Codes I84 in field CAUSA not coded
#> WARN [16:08:49.124] I84
#> WARN [16:08:49.124] 3
#> INFO [16:08:49.154] NA values {count: 52250, field: MAT}
#> INFO [16:08:49.286] Reading {file: DefWeb16.csv}
#> WARN [16:08:49.679] 2016
#> WARN [16:08:49.679] CAUSA
#> WARN [16:08:49.679] Codes R97 in field CAUSA not coded
#> WARN [16:08:49.679] R97
#> WARN [16:08:49.679] 10
#> INFO [16:08:49.713] NA values {count: 50951, field: MAT}
#> INFO [16:08:49.955] Reading {file: DefWeb17.csv}
#> INFO [16:08:50.286] NA values {count: 49630, field: MAT}
#> INFO [16:08:50.557] Reading {file: DefWeb18.csv}
#> INFO [16:08:50.885] NA values {count: 49602, field: MAT}
# How many records do we have?
#> [1] 347549
# [1] 347549
# Cases with missing codes in CAUSA
year | field | message | missed.codes | cases |
2012 | CAUSA | Codes I84 in field CAUSA not coded | I84 | 1 |
2013 | CAUSA | Codes I84 in field CAUSA not coded | I84 | 1 |
2014 | CAUSA | Codes I84 in field CAUSA not coded | I84 | 2 |
2015 | CAUSA | Codes I84 in field CAUSA not coded | I84 | 3 |
2016 | CAUSA | Codes R97 in field CAUSA not coded | R97 | 10 |
regexp.neumonia.influenza <- "^J(09|1[0-8])"
regexp.otras.respiratorias <- "^J"
# List all Causas related to Influenza|Neumonía considered for classification
causas.descriptions <- sort(unique(data.deaths$codigo.causas))
causas.descriptions[grep(regexp.neumonia.influenza, causas.descriptions, ignore.case = TRUE)]
#> [1] "J09|Influenza debida a ciertos virus de la influenza identificados"
#> [2] "J10|Influenza debida a otro virus de la influenza identificado"
#> [3] "J11|Influenza debida a virus no identificado"
#> [4] "J12|Neumonía viral no clasificada en otra parte"
#> [5] "J13|Neumonía debida a Streptococcus pneumoniae"
#> [6] "J14|Neumonía debida a Haemophilus influenzae"
#> [7] "J15|Neumonía bacteriana no clasificada en otra parte"
#> [8] "J16|Neumonía debida a otros microorganismos infecciosos no clasificados en otra parte"
#> [9] "J18|Neumonía organismo no especificado"
data.deaths$causa_agg <- "Otra"
data.deaths[grep(regexp.neumonia.influenza, data.deaths$codigo.causa, ignore.case = TRUE),]$causa_agg <- "Influenza_Neumonia"
data.deaths[which(grepl(regexp.otras.respiratorias, data.deaths$codigo.causa, ignore.case = TRUE) & data.deaths$causa_agg == "Otra"),]$causa_agg <- "Otras_respiratorias"
influenza.deaths <- data.deaths %>%
group_by(year, causa_agg) %>%
summarize (total = sum(CUENTA),
edad.media = mean(EDAD_MEDIA, na.rm = TRUE))
influenza.deaths %>% filter(year == 2018)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 4
#> # Groups: year [1]
#> year causa_agg total edad.media
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2018 Influenza_Neumonia 31916 46.8
#> 2 2018 Otra 275155 50.9
#> 3 2018 Otras_respiratorias 29752 54.5
influenza.deaths.tab <- dcast(influenza.deaths, formula = year~causa_agg, value.var = "total")
influenza.deaths.tab$total <- apply(influenza.deaths.tab[,2:4], MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum)
influenza.deaths.tab$Influenza_Neumonia.perc <- round(influenza.deaths.tab[,"Influenza_Neumonia"]/influenza.deaths.tab$total, 2)
influenza.deaths.tab$Otra.perc <- round(influenza.deaths.tab[,"Otra"]/influenza.deaths.tab$total, 2)
influenza.deaths.tab$Otras_respiratorias.perc <- round(influenza.deaths.tab[,"Otras_respiratorias"]/influenza.deaths.tab$total, 2)
year | Influenza_Neumonia | Otra | Otras_respiratorias | total | Influenza_Neumonia.perc | Otra.perc | Otras_respiratorias.perc |
2012 | 20009 | 270283 | 29247 | 319539 | 0.06 | 0.85 | 0.09 |
2013 | 23389 | 273675 | 29133 | 326197 | 0.07 | 0.84 | 0.09 |
2014 | 24583 | 271289 | 29667 | 325539 | 0.08 | 0.83 | 0.09 |
2015 | 27804 | 276506 | 29097 | 333407 | 0.08 | 0.83 | 0.09 |
2016 | 33632 | 287807 | 31553 | 352992 | 0.10 | 0.82 | 0.09 |
2017 | 33504 | 276819 | 31365 | 341688 | 0.10 | 0.81 | 0.09 |
2018 | 31916 | 275155 | 29752 | 336823 | 0.09 | 0.82 | 0.09 |
influenza.deaths.edad.tab <- dcast(influenza.deaths, formula = year~causa_agg, value.var = "edad.media")
# Edad media is aproximated by the average of the mean of age ranges
year | Influenza_Neumonia | Otra | Otras_respiratorias |
2012 | 46.15945 | 50.16380 | 53.24300 |
2013 | 46.59759 | 50.37501 | 54.32957 |
2014 | 47.00361 | 50.50093 | 53.47351 |
2015 | 47.91418 | 50.75700 | 54.46687 |
2016 | 46.37225 | 50.67127 | 53.76223 |
2017 | 47.20525 | 50.68764 | 54.23077 |
2018 | 46.79927 | 50.86007 | 54.53614 |