Lab 1 (phylogeny of algae)
- graphing should be review not fresh teaching
- learning outcome that includes quantitative since there’s data
- give data - load into R
- make scatterplot
- emphasize phylogeny to go with lecture
- deemphasize ecology content but keep quantitative part
- make sure homework to reinforce
Lab 2 (mechanisms of evolution)
- Data generation
- how data is entered and formatted
- tidy data learning objective
Lab 3 (evolution data)
- Lab 2’s data
- new: ggplot, legends,
- time to make plots and think about results
- t test
Lab 4 (Photosynthesis)
- collect absorbance data
- plot absorbance v wavelength
Lab 5 (plant diversity)
Lab 6 (campus plant walk)
Lab 7 (plant structure function)
Lab 8 (growth and differentiation)
- mean, stddev
- repeat t-test