Port scanner&Ping scanner includes features for receiving local network information.
- Collections:
List, Dictionary, Set, Tuple, Range, Enumerate, Iterator, Generator, Labels, Combobox, Entry, StringVar.
- Types:
String, Regular_Exp, Format, Numbers, Combinatorics, Datetime.
- System:
Exit, Print, Input, Command_Line_Arguments, Open, Path, OS_Commands. Treeview
- Advanced:
Threading, Socket, Metaprograming.
- Libraries:
time, webbrowser, Queue, tkinter, ipaddress, os,
This project is for educational purposes and personal curiosity. 🙂
After downloading the file you must first have Python, version 3.7 or higher, installed on your computer in order to run the file and simply run the file in the normal
way that you are familiar with.
In the case of a port scanner operation, the program will ask you for a "target" which is an IP address or Host. And just click scan.
In the case of a ping scanner, the program will only ask for Ip addresses !, then distance addresses (start and end) and at the end click on scan!
hope you like it.