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File metadata and controls

117 lines (108 loc) · 7.16 KB

Server Configuration

Represents the server configuration.




Name Type Tags Description
log_file_retention_days int Optional Gets or sets the number of days we should retain log files.
is_startup_wizard_completed bool Optional Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is first run.
cache_path string Optional Gets or sets the cache path.
previous_version string Optional Gets or sets the last known version that was ran using the configuration.
previous_version_str string Optional Gets or sets the stringified PreviousVersion to be stored/loaded,
because System.Version itself isn't xml-serializable.
enable_metrics bool Optional Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable prometheus metrics exporting.
enable_normalized_item_by_name_ids bool Optional -
is_port_authorized bool Optional Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is port authorized.
quick_connect_available bool Optional Gets or sets a value indicating whether quick connect is available for use on this server.
enable_case_sensitive_item_ids bool Optional Gets or sets a value indicating whether [enable case sensitive item ids].
disable_live_tv_channel_user_data_name bool Optional -
metadata_path string Optional Gets or sets the metadata path.
metadata_network_path string Optional -
preferred_metadata_language string Optional Gets or sets the preferred metadata language.
metadata_country_code string Optional Gets or sets the metadata country code.
sort_replace_characters List of string Optional Gets or sets characters to be replaced with a ' ' in strings to create a sort name.
sort_remove_characters List of string Optional Gets or sets characters to be removed from strings to create a sort name.
sort_remove_words List of string Optional Gets or sets words to be removed from strings to create a sort name.
min_resume_pct int Optional Gets or sets the minimum percentage of an item that must be played in order for playstate to be updated.
max_resume_pct int Optional Gets or sets the maximum percentage of an item that can be played while still saving playstate. If this percentage is crossed playstate will be reset to the beginning and the item will be marked watched.
min_resume_duration_seconds int Optional Gets or sets the minimum duration that an item must have in order to be eligible for playstate updates..
min_audiobook_resume int Optional Gets or sets the minimum minutes of a book that must be played in order for playstate to be updated.
max_audiobook_resume int Optional Gets or sets the remaining minutes of a book that can be played while still saving playstate. If this percentage is crossed playstate will be reset to the beginning and the item will be marked watched.
library_monitor_delay int Optional Gets or sets the delay in seconds that we will wait after a file system change to try and discover what has been added/removed
Some delay is necessary with some items because their creation is not atomic. It involves the creation of several
different directories and files.
image_saving_convention ImageSavingConventionEnum Optional Gets or sets the image saving convention.
metadata_options List of MetadataOptions Optional -
skip_deserialization_for_basic_types bool Optional -
server_name string Optional -
ui_culture string Optional -
save_metadata_hidden bool Optional -
content_types List of NameValuePair Optional -
remote_client_bitrate_limit int Optional -
enable_folder_view bool Optional -
enable_grouping_into_collections bool Optional -
display_specials_within_seasons bool Optional -
codecs_used List of string Optional -
plugin_repositories List of RepositoryInfo Optional -
enable_external_content_in_suggestions bool Optional -
image_extraction_timeout_ms int Optional -
path_substitutions List of PathSubstitution Optional -
enable_slow_response_warning bool Optional Gets or sets a value indicating whether slow server responses should be logged as a warning.
slow_response_threshold_ms long|int Optional Gets or sets the threshold for the slow response time warning in ms.
cors_hosts List of string Optional Gets or sets the cors hosts.
activity_log_retention_days int Optional Gets or sets the number of days we should retain activity logs.
library_scan_fanout_concurrency int Optional Gets or sets the how the library scan fans out.
library_metadata_refresh_concurrency int Optional Gets or sets the how many metadata refreshes can run concurrently.
remove_old_plugins bool Optional Gets or sets a value indicating whether older plugins should automatically be deleted from the plugin folder.
allow_client_log_upload bool Optional Gets or sets a value indicating whether clients should be allowed to upload logs.

Example (as JSON)

  "LogFileRetentionDays": null,
  "IsStartupWizardCompleted": null,
  "CachePath": null,
  "PreviousVersion": null,
  "PreviousVersionStr": null,
  "EnableMetrics": null,
  "EnableNormalizedItemByNameIds": null,
  "IsPortAuthorized": null,
  "QuickConnectAvailable": null,
  "EnableCaseSensitiveItemIds": null,
  "DisableLiveTvChannelUserDataName": null,
  "MetadataPath": null,
  "MetadataNetworkPath": null,
  "PreferredMetadataLanguage": null,
  "MetadataCountryCode": null,
  "SortReplaceCharacters": null,
  "SortRemoveCharacters": null,
  "SortRemoveWords": null,
  "MinResumePct": null,
  "MaxResumePct": null,
  "MinResumeDurationSeconds": null,
  "MinAudiobookResume": null,
  "MaxAudiobookResume": null,
  "LibraryMonitorDelay": null,
  "ImageSavingConvention": null,
  "MetadataOptions": null,
  "SkipDeserializationForBasicTypes": null,
  "ServerName": null,
  "UICulture": null,
  "SaveMetadataHidden": null,
  "ContentTypes": null,
  "RemoteClientBitrateLimit": null,
  "EnableFolderView": null,
  "EnableGroupingIntoCollections": null,
  "DisplaySpecialsWithinSeasons": null,
  "CodecsUsed": null,
  "PluginRepositories": null,
  "EnableExternalContentInSuggestions": null,
  "ImageExtractionTimeoutMs": null,
  "PathSubstitutions": null,
  "EnableSlowResponseWarning": null,
  "SlowResponseThresholdMs": null,
  "CorsHosts": null,
  "ActivityLogRetentionDays": null,
  "LibraryScanFanoutConcurrency": null,
  "LibraryMetadataRefreshConcurrency": null,
  "RemoveOldPlugins": null,
  "AllowClientLogUpload": null