export infrastructure=$(oc get infrastructure cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.platformSpec.type}'| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
for cluster in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
envsubst < ./kafka/machinepool-values.templ.yaml > /tmp/values.yaml
helm --kube-context ${control_cluster} upgrade kafka-machine-pool ./charts/machine-pool -n ${cluster} --atomic -i -f /tmp/values.yaml
export infrastructure=$(oc get infrastructure cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.platformSpec.type}'| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
case ${infrastructure} in
export latency="70" #70ms
export bandwidth="250000000" #250 MBps
export latency="70" #70ms
export bandwidth="3500000000" #3.5 GBps
export latency="70" #70ms
export bandwidth="250000000" #250 MBps
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
export cluster=${context}
envsubst < ./kafka/values.templ.yaml > /tmp/values.yaml
helm --kube-context ${context} upgrade kafka ./charts/kafka-multicluster -i --create-namespace -n kafka -f /tmp/values.yaml
deploy the ui
helm repo add akhq https://akhq.io/
export cluster_base_domain=$(oc --context ${control_cluster} get dns cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
export global_base_domain=global.${cluster_base_domain#*.}
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
oc --context ${context} apply -f ./kafka/akhq-certificate.yaml -n kafka
envsubst < ./kafka/akhq-route.yaml | oc --context ${context} apply -f - -n kafka
export cluster=${context}
envsubst < ./kafka/akhq-values.yaml > /tmp/values.yaml
helm --kube-context ${context} upgrade --install akhq akhq/akhq --create-namespace -n kafka -f /tmp/values.yaml
Enable monitoring
deploy the operator
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
oc --context ${context} apply -f ./kafka/user-workload-monitoring.yaml
oc --context ${context} apply -f ./kafka/grafana/operator.yaml -n kafka
deploy grafana
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
oc --context ${context} apply -f ./kafka/grafana/grafana.yaml,./kafka/grafana/grafana-dashboard-kafka.yaml,./kafka/grafana/secret-grafana-k8s-proxy.yaml,./kafka/grafana/serving-cert-ca-bundle-cm.yaml,./kafka/grafana/configmap-trusted-ca-bundle.yaml -n kafka
export BEARER_TOKEN=$(oc --context ${context} serviceaccounts get-token prometheus-user-workload -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring)
envsubst < ./kafka/grafana/datasource.yaml | oc --context ${context} apply -f - -n kafka
See also this
create a topic
export tool_pod=$(oc --context cluster1 get pod -n kafka | grep tool | awk '{print $1}')
oc --context cluster1 exec -n kafka ${tool_pod} -- /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server kafka.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9093 --delete --topic test-topic --if-exists --command-config /config/admin-client.properties
oc --context cluster1 exec -n kafka ${tool_pod} -- /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server kafka.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9093 --create --topic test-topic --partitions 72 --replication-factor 3 --if-not-exists --command-config /config/admin-client.properties --config retention.ms=28800000 --config min.insync.replicas=2
oc --context cluster1 exec -n kafka ${tool_pod} -- /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server kafka.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9093 --describe --topic test-topic --command-config /config/admin-client.properties
start producer
export tool_pod=$(oc --context cluster1 get pod -n kafka | grep tool | awk '{print $1}')
oc --context cluster1 exec -n kafka ${tool_pod} -- /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --producer.config /config/producer.properties --topic test-topic --num-records 5000000 --print-metrics --throughput -1 --record-size 1024
start consumer
export tool_pod=$(oc --context cluster1 get pod -n kafka | grep tool | awk '{print $1}')
oc --context cluster1 exec -n kafka ${tool_pod} -- /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh --bootstrap-server kafka.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9093 --consumer.config /config/consumer.properties --topic test-topic --messages 5000000
producer runs
export producer_number=6
export record_number=5000000
export record_size=1024 #1KB
export batch_size=131072 #128KB
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
oc --context ${context} delete job kafka-producer -n kafka
envsubst < ./kafka/producer-job.yaml | oc --context ${context} apply -f - -n kafka
consumer runs (ensure there are messages available or that producers are running)
export consumer_number=6
export record_number=5000000
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
export cluster=${context}
oc --context ${context} delete job kafka-consumer -n kafka
envsubst < ./kafka/consumer-job.yaml | oc --context ${context} apply -f - -n kafka
run the producers and consumers with a large number of messages, this should make them last a while
export producer_number=3
export consumer_number=3
export record_number=100000000
export record_size=1024 #1KB
export batch_size=131072 #128KB
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
export cluster=${context}
oc --context ${context} delete job kafka-consumer -n kafka
oc --context ${context} delete job kafka-producer -n kafka
envsubst < ./kafka/producer-job.yaml | oc --context ${context} apply -f - -n kafka
envsubst < ./kafka/consumer-job.yaml | oc --context ${context} apply -f - -n kafka
Isolate us-west4 region
export gcp_project_id=$(cat ~/.gcp/osServiceAccount.json | jq -r .project_id)
export infrastructure_3=$(oc --context cluster3 get infrastructure cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.infrastructureName}')
gcloud compute --project=${gcp_project_id} firewall-rules create deny-all-egress --direction=EGRESS --priority=0 --network=${infrastructure_3}-network --action=DENY --rules=all --destination-ranges= --target-tags=${infrastructure_3}-worker,${infrastructure_3}-master
gcloud compute --project=${gcp_project_id} firewall-rules create deny-all-ingress --direction=INGRESS --priority=0 --network=${infrastructure_3}-network --action=DENY --rules=all --source-ranges= --target-tags=${infrastructure_3}-worker,${infrastructure_3}-master
observe the behavior
Reinstate traffic
gcloud compute --project=${gcp_project_id} firewall-rules delete deny-all-egress --quiet
gcloud compute --project=${gcp_project_id} firewall-rules delete deny-all-ingress --quiet
check zookeeper status:
oc --context cluster1 exec -n kafka zookeeper-0 -- /bin/bash -ecx 'CLIENT_JVMFLAGS="-Dzookeeper.clientCnxnSocket=org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNetty -Dzookeeper.ssl.trustStore.location=/certs/truststore.jks -Dzookeeper.ssl.trustStore.password=changeit -Dzookeeper.ssl.keyStore.location=/certs/keystore.jks -Dzookeeper.ssl.keyStore.password=changeit -Dzookeeper.client.secure=true -Dzookeeper.ssl.hostnameVerification=false" ./bin/zkServer.sh status /conf/zoo.cfg'
restart pods
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
oc --context ${context} rollout restart statefulset -n kafka
rescale kafka pods
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
oc --context ${context} scale statefulset kafka --replicas 0 -n kafka
oc --context ${context} scale statefulset kafka --replicas 3 -n kafka
rescale zookeeper pods
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
oc --context ${context} scale statefulset zookeeper --replicas 0 -n kafka
oc --context ${context} scale statefulset zookeeper --replicas 3 -n kafka
delete kafka
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
helm --kube-context ${context} uninstall kafka -n kafka
oc --context ${context} delete pvc --all -n kafka
for context in ${cluster1} ${cluster2} ${cluster3}; do
helm --kube-context ${control_cluster} uninstall kafka-machine-pool -n ${context}