- Around 2000, process automation was based on proprietary software and this lead to no standardization.
- Business requirements were created in a combination of text documents and proprietary modeling tools included in the runtime.
- Five years later we had BPMN 1.x, a process modeling notation standard widely adopted by business users.
- BPMN 1.x was not executable.
- It had to be translated into some other language by programmers for execution.
- BPM vendors used execution language called BPEL and convince customers that BPMN was the “Business face of SOA.”
- This did not work out as translate models into some other language for implementation was the basic problem.
- Few years later we had BPMN 2.0 released.
- This ensured the modeling language and the execution language to be one and the same.
- Before DMN, decision requirements were documented using unstructured text (excel, word documents) or captured into proprietary modeling tools (BRE Rule Language).
- DMN vs Rule Engines
- DRDs (Decision Requirements Diagram) are standard representation unlike proprietary Rule Family in The Decision Model.
- DRD extends beyond a single decision service.
- It can represent an extended business decision executed in multiple steps separated in time.
- It may even include human decisions and external decisions
- DMN is trying to unify standards-based modeling and execution in one step. DMN has five key elements:
- Decision tables
- FEEL, a new expression language
- Boxed expressions, a visual representation of complex decision logic
- Metamodel and XML Schema
- Decision Model and Notation (DMN) is used to model decision service graphically.
- It is a standard established by the Object Management Group (OMG) for describing and modeling operational decisions.
- Kogito provides design and runtime support for DMN 1.2 models at conformance level 3.
- It provides runtime-only support for DMN 1.1 and 1.3 models at conformance level 3.
- DMN 1.1 and 1.3 models are currently not supported in the Kogito DMN modeler.
- DMN decision model are determined by below:
- DRD:
- A decision requirements diagrams trace business decisions from start to finish.
- It provides a business-friendly picture of the dependencies of a high-level business decision on supporting information.
- Each decision node use logic defined in DMN boxed expressions such as decision tables.
- A DRD can represent part or all of the DMN model.
- DRD components and requirement connectors details are available here. A brief overview given below.
- DRG:
- A Decision Requirements Graph models a domain of decision-making, showing the most important elements involved in it and the dependencies between them.
- The elements modeled are decisions, input data, and knowledge sources.
- The visual representation of a DRG is called DRD.
- DRD:
- Decision logic inside Decision Box/BKM is represented using below. These can be selected in Decision Box/BKM as given here
- Decision Table:
It is a tabular representation of input/output entries.
It is used to indicate which output entry applies to a specific set of inputs.
A hyphen(
) in the cell means the input is irrelevant in this rule; the cell value is true by default. -
Before creating decision table, please ensure all inputs are assigned to decision notation/component in DRD and output is updated in
Decision -> Properties -> Information Item -> Data Type
. -
Hit Policies determine how to reach an outcome when multiple rules in a decision table match the provided input values.
Single-hit policies:
- Unique (U):
- Permits only one rule to match.
- Any overlap raises an error.
- Any (A):
- Permits multiple rules to match.
- All matching rules must have the same output.
- If multiple matching rules do not have the same output, an error is raised.
- First (F):
- Permits multiple rules to match, with different outputs.
- Uses the first match in rule order.
- Priority (P):
- Permits multiple rules to match, with different outputs.
- Result is the output value with the highest output priority.
- Unique (U):
Multiple-hit policies:
- Rule Order (R):
- Permits multiple rules to match, with different outputs.
- Return the results of all satisfied rules in the order of the rules defined.
- Output Order (O):
- Permits multiple rules to match, with different outputs.
- Return the results of all satisfied rules in decreasing output priority order.
- Collect: It allows to define multiple rules that can match. Returns the output of multiple rules.
- Collect (C):
- Outputs are returned as an arbitrarily-ordered list.
- Collect Sum (C+):
- The sum of outputs is returned.
- Collect Min (C<):
- The smallest of outputs is returned.
- Collect Max (C>):
- The largest of outputs is returned.
- Collect Count (C#):
- The count of outputs is returned.
- Collect (C):
- Rule Order (R):
- Boxed Expressions:
- It is a literal FEEL expression.
- It contains literal, constant, variables or FEEL Functions.
- It is a set of variable names and values with a result value.
- Key can be a temporary variable/function inputs.
- Value in a boxed context expression.
- This can be used to create recursions like calculating amortization schedule.
- This is similar to Context where key,values are arranged vertically.
- In this approach key,values are represented as tables.
- Each column of table represent context keys.
- Each row of the table represent context values.
- It is a parameterized boxed expression containing a literal FEEL expression.
- It supports FEEL/JAVA or PMML functions.
- By default, all BKM's are defined as boxed function expressions.
- It is a boxed expression that invokes a BKM's with a list of parameter bindings.
- Each row represents a name of a parameter on the left and binding expression on the right whose value is assigned to the parameter to evaluate the invoked BKM.
- It is used to represents a FEEL list of items.
- Each item is a FEEL expression.
- Decision Table:
Friendly Enough Expression Language (FEEL) is an expression language defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) DMN specification.
FEEL is designed to facilitate both decision modeling and execution by assigning semantics to the decision model constructs.
- A FEEL name must start with a
, or_
element. - The unicode letter characters are also allowed.
- Variable names cannot start with a language keyword.
- The remaining characters in a variable name can be
,white spaces
, and special characters such as+
, and.
- Although the specifications allow,
is the only keyword in the language that cannot be used as part of a variable name.
Example: Birth Date, Flight 234 pre-check procedure.
- A FEEL name must start with a
Data Types:
Data Type Description Number Numbers in FEEL are based on the IEEE 754-2008 Decimal 128 format, with 34 digits of precision.
Internally, numbers are represented in Java as BigDecimals with MathContext DECIMAL128.
It is used to represent both integers and floating-point numbers. FEEL numbers use a dot (.) as a decimal separator.
FEEL does not support -INF, +INF, or NaN.
FEEL uses null to represent invalid numbers.
Kogito extends DMN specification and supports additional number notations
- Scientific: Suffix e or E. For example, 1.2e3 or 1.2E3 = 1.2*10**3
- Hexadecimal: Prefix 0x. For example, 0xff or 0XFF = 255String Any sequence of characters delimited by double quotation marks.
Example "John Doe"Boolean FEEL uses three-valued boolean logic true, false or null. Date Date literals are not supported in FEEL, but you can use the built-in date() function to construct date values.
The format is "YYYY-MM-DD"
Date objects have time equal to "00:00:00"
Example date( "2017-06-23" )Time Time literals are not supported in FEEL, but you can use the built-in time() function to construct time values.
The format is "hh:mm:ss[.uuu][(+-)hh:mm]"
uuu - Its optional. Milliseconds
[(+-)hh:mm] - Its optional. Offset from UTC time to define its timezone.
Example time( "22:35:40.345-05:00" )Date and time Date and time literals are not supported in FEEL, but you can use the built-in date and time() function to construct date and time values
The format is "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.uuu][(+-)hh:mm]"
Example date and time( "2017-02-05T22:35:40.345-05:00" )Days and time duration Days and time duration literals are not supported in FEEL, but you can use the built-in duration() function to construct days and time duration values.
Days, hours, minutes and seconds are only supported. Months and years are not supported.
Example duration( "P1DT23H12M30S" )Years and months duration Years and months duration literals are not supported in FEEL, but you can use the built-in duration() function to construct days and time duration values.
This is restricted to only years and months. Days, hours, minutes, or seconds are not supported.
Example duration( "P3Y5M" ) -
The DMN specification currently does not provide an explicit way of declaring a variable as a function, context, range, or list, but Kogito extends the DMN built-in types to support variables of these types. Details of these types are given below:
Data Type Description Functions FEEL has function literals that we can use to create functions.
The DMN specification currently does not provide an explicit way of declaring a variable as a function
Example function (a,b) a+b - This return a+bContexts A context in FEEL is a list of key and value pairs, similar to maps in languages like Java.
Example { x : 5, y : 3 }Ranges/Interval A range/interval in FEEL is a value that defines a lower and an upper bound, where either can be open or closed.
range = ..
open_inclusive = [
open_exclusive = (
close_inclusive = ]
close_exclusive = )
15 in [15..30]
15 not in (15..30]
30 in [15..30]
30 not in[15..30)List A list in FEEL is represented by a comma-separated list of values enclosed in square brackets.
All lists in FEEL contain elements of the same type and are immutable.
Elements in a list can be accessed by index, where the first element is 1.
Negative indexes can access elements starting from the end of the list so that -1 is the last element.
x[-2]=4 -
Built in functions in FEEL are available here
Arithmetic Operators:
Name | Expression | Result |
Addition (+) | 0.15 + 30 | 30.15 |
Subtraction (-) | 15 - 30 | -15 |
Multiplication (*) | .20 * 40.02 | 8.004 |
Division (/) | 1/50 | 0.02 |
Exponentiation (**) | 2**3 | 8 |
- Comparison Operators:
Name | Expression | Result |
Equal (=) | 8=2**3 | true |
Not equal to (!=) | 8!=2**3 | false |
Less than (<) | 8<2**3 | false |
Less than or equal to (<=) | 15 in (<=15) | true |
Greater than (>) | 30 in (>30) | false |
Greater than or equal to (>=) | 1/5>=0.20 | true |
- Logical Operators:
Name | Expression | Result |
Disjunction (OR) | (22=2**2) or (32=3**2) | true |
Conjunction (AND) | (22=2**2) and (32=3**2) | false |
Negation (NOT) | not(2*2=2**2) | false |
- Conditional Statements:
- If
if (x < 5) then "low" else "high"
- If
- Looping Constructs:
Construct | Example |
For | for x in 1..3, y in 4..6 return x * y Output: [4,5,6,8,10,12,12,15,18] |
Some | some x in [1,2], y in [2,3] satisfies x < y Output: true |
Each | every x in [1,2], y in [2,3] satisfies x < y Output: false |
[] | Filter a list of elements by an expression. The expression can access the current element by item .[1,2,3,4][1] \1 [1,2,3,4][item > 2] \ [3,4] [1,2,3,4][-2] \3 [{a: "foo", b: 5}, {a: "bar", b: 10}][b > 7] // {a : "bar", b: 10} |
. | A dot(.) operator is used to access the value of the object/context by specifying the key. duration("P2Y3M").years \2 [{a : "foo", b: 5 }, {a: "bar", b: 10} ].a \["foo", "bar"] |
- There are two ways in creating DMN Project Template.
- Add below plugin
- RESTEasy JAX-RS [Added by Default]
- Kogito
- SmallRye OpenAPI
- Scenario Simulation for Visual Unit Testing
- Quarkus Arc for DI
- Update application.properties with below
- Updated folder files as given here
- Artifacts details