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Setting up GBLGCP provider

This setup assumes you are running in AWS.

The following variables need to be initialized:

export cluster1_service_name=
export cluster2_service_name=
export cluster3_service_name=
export cluster1_service_namespace=
export cluster2_service_namespace=
export cluster3_service_namespace=
export cluster1_secret_name=
export cluster2_secret_name=
export cluster3_secret_name=

They will be initialized if you follow one of the installation methods

  1. three clusters

or you can setup your onw set of clusters and initialize those variables.

Create global zone

This will create a global zone called global.<cluster-base-domain> with associated zone delegation.

export cluster_base_domain=$(oc --context ${control_cluster} get dns cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
export base_domain=${cluster_base_domain#*.}
export base_domain_zone=$(gcloud --format json dns managed-zones list --filter dnsName=${base_domain}. | jq -r .[].name)
export global_base_domain=global.${cluster_base_domain#*.}
export global_base_domain_no_dots=$(echo ${global_base_domain} | tr '.' '-')
gcloud dns managed-zones create ${global_base_domain_no_dots} --description="Raffa multicluster zone" --dns-name=${global_base_domain} --visibility=public
export ns_record_data=$(gcloud dns record-sets list -z ${global_base_domain_no_dots} --name ${global_base_domain}. --type NS | awk '(NR>1)' | awk '{print $4}')
gcloud dns record-sets create ${global_base_domain} --rrdatas=${ns_record_data} --type=NS -z ${base_domain_zone}

Create a global DNS zone and record

Create globalDNSZone

export namespace=global-load-balancer-operator-test
oc new-project ${namespace}
export namespace=global-load-balancer-operator
export cluster_base_domain=$(oc --context ${control_cluster} get dns cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
export base_domain=${cluster_base_domain#*.}
export global_base_domain=global.${cluster_base_domain#*.}
export global_zone_name=$(echo ${global_base_domain} | tr '.' '-')
export cluster1_secret_name=$(oc --context ${control_cluster} get clusterdeployment cluster1 -n cluster1 -o jsonpath='{}')
export cluster2_secret_name=$(oc --context ${control_cluster} get clusterdeployment cluster2 -n cluster2 -o jsonpath='{}')
export cluster3_secret_name=$(oc --context ${control_cluster} get clusterdeployment cluster3 -n cluster3 -o jsonpath='{}')
envsubst < ./docs/scripts/glbgcp-dns-zone.yaml | oc apply -f -

DNS Record example

envsubst < ./docs/scripts/glbgcp-global-dns-record-with-healthcheck.yaml | oc apply -f - -n ${namespace}
dig example.${global_base_domain}

Route Autodiscovery

delete global dns records from previous examples

oc delete globaldnsrecord --all -n ${namespace}

create global route autodiscovery

envsubst < ./docs/scripts/glbgcp-global-route-discovery.yaml | oc apply -f - -n ${namespace}

You have to have created some routes that will be selected by this global route discovery. check that global dns records are created

oc get globaldnsrecord -n ${namespace}