Summary Overview General Create a Git Repository GitFlow Go Live! Naming Conventions Security Project Checklist Frameworks Ruby on Rails Setup Initialise the Rails App Push to Git Repository Initialise Gitflow Configure Git Repository Create an Application Server Configure the CI/CD Tools RSpec Linting and automatic checks Gems and libraries Cloudflare Additional Services Sentry NewRelic Robots.txt Percy Protect develop environment Customer Plan Services Uptimerobot Sentry Notifications Depfu Security monitoring Gems Jest Slack and Notifications Send Emails Sparkpost & Mailtrap Devise Sidekiq Cucumber Amazon S3 and Cloudfront Carrierwave Upload Bootstrap FontAwesome Bullet Lograge Hotjar Wicked PDF Recaptcha v3 Frontend apps (JS) React Native Setup Push to Git Repository Initialise Gitflow Configure CI Release Tools Jest Recommended libraries Linting and automatic checks Sentry Services Google Analytics Google Apis Slack and Notifications Templates README Pull Request Template