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131 lines (105 loc) · 3.42 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (105 loc) · 3.42 KB

aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://ansible_cf_demo.json
aws s3 cp ansible_cf_demo.json s3://mhw_cloud_formation/cf_demo/

sudo cp ec2.* /etc/ansible
chmod +x
chmod +x ec2.ini

ansible -i inventories/ -u ec2-user eu-central-1 -m ping
ansible eu-central-1 \
  --inventory inventories/ \
  --user ec2-user \
  --private-key ~/.ssh/my-aws-account-keypair.pem \
  --module-name ping
ansible-inventory -i inventories/aws_ec2.yml --graph
ansible-inventory --list -i inventories/aws_ec2.yml --yaml

ansible-playbook \
  -i inventories/aws_ec2.yml \
  playbooks/10_webserver_config.yml --check

ansible-playbook \
  --inventory inventories/aws_ec2.yml \
  site.yml --tags create \

ansible-playbook \
  -i inventories/aws_ec2.yml \
  site.yml -t delete

ansible-playbook \
  --inventory inventories/aws_ec2.yml \
  playbooks/10_cf_config.yml --tags delete

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ansible-cf-demo

# tag_Group_webservers

./inventories/ --refresh-cache

# Parameters Store
aws ssm get-parameter \
  --with-decryption \
  --name "/ansible_demo/ansible_private_key" \
  --query Parameter.Value

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/ansible_private_key \
  --type SecureString \
  --value file:///Users/sreznichenko/.ssh/ansible \
  --description "Private key for EC2 instances" \

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/ssh_location \
  --type String \
  --value "" \
  --description "IP Address (Range) from which SSH is allowed" \

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/instance_type \
  --type String \
  --value "t2.small" \
  --description "Instance type of Web Servers" \

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/key_name \
  --type String \
  --value "ansible" \
  --description "SSH key name" \

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/vpc_cidr \
  --type String \
  --value "" \
  --description "VPC CIDR" \

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/public_subnet_1_cidr \
  --type String \
  --value "" \
  --description "Public subnet in the first AZ" \

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/public_subnet_2_cidr \
  --type String \
  --value "" \
  --description "Public subnet in the second AZ" \

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/private_subnet_1_cidr \
  --type String \
  --value "" \
  --description "Private subnet in the first AZ" \

aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /ansible_demo/private_subnet_2_cidr \
  --type String \
  --value "" \
  --description "Private subnet in the second AZ" \

aws codebuild list-projects
aws codebuild start-build --project-name cfn-validate-s3
aws codebuild start-build --project-name cfn-network
aws codebuild start-build --project-name cfn-compute
aws codebuild start-build --project-name ansible-web-config
aws codebuild start-build --project-name ansible-test

time ansible-playbook \
  -i inventories/aws_ec2.yml \
  playbooks/20_cfn_compute.yml -t delete -v

time ansible-playbook \
  -i inventories/aws_ec2.yml \
  playbooks/10_cfn_network.yml -t delete -v