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airquality-simulator Helm Chart

A Helm chart for Kubernetes to deploy the Air Quality Simulatior Java application using a custom Helm Chart.


Name Email Url
Stefan Wiedemann [email protected]

Source Code


To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm dependency up
$ helm install my-release {{ template "" . }}


Key Type Default Description
additionalAnnotations object {} additional annotations for the deployment, if required
additionalLabels object {} additional labels for the deployment, if required
affinity object {} affinity template ref:
config object {} configuration to be used for the simulator. Follow
fullnameOverride string "" option to override the fullname config in the _helpers.tpl
healthPort int 9090 port to request health information at
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" specification of the image pull policy
image.repository string "" airquality-simulator image name ref:
image.tag string "0.1.0" tag of the image to be used
init.keycloak.admin.password string "fiwareAdmin" Keycloak admin password with permissions to create users
init.keycloak.admin.user string "fiwareAdmin" Keycloak admin user with permissions to create users
init.keycloak.airqualitySimulator.password string "airqualityapp" Password for the new username to create in Keycloak for the Air Quality app
init.keycloak.airqualitySimulator.user string "airqualityapp-user" New username to create in Keycloak for the Air Quality app
init.keycloak.enabled bool true should the init-container be enabled
init.keycloak.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" specification of the image pull policy
init.keycloak.image.repository string "" subscription init image name ref:
init.keycloak.image.tag string "5.2.0-debian-10-r9" tag of the image to be used
init.keycloak.url string "http://keycloak" URL of the keycloak that will be configured from the init container
init.subscription.enabled bool false should the init-container be enabled
init.subscription.entityType string "AirQualityObserved" type of the entities to be send
init.subscription.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" specification of the image pull policy
init.subscription.image.repository string "" subscription init image name ref:
init.subscription.image.tag string "0.1.0" tag of the image to be used
init.subscription.quantumLeapUrl string "http://quantumleap-quantumleap:8668" URL of the quantum leap instance to be notified
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 10
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 30
nameOverride string "" option to override the name config in the _helpers.tpl
nodeSelector object {} selector template ref:
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 31
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 10
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 30
replicaCount int 1 initial number of target replications
resources object {}
serviceAccount object {"create":false} if a service account should be used, it can be configured here ref:
serviceAccount.create bool false specifies if the account should be created
tolerations list [] tolerations template ref: ref: