There are two parsers implemented in Avicena
- LogistiCare
All parser modules must implement to the following function header:
parse_trips_to_df(path_to_trips_file: str, merge_details: Dict[str:MergeAddress], revenue_table: Dict[str:List[RevenueRate]], output_directory: str) -> Pandas.DataFrame
The resulting Pandas DataFrame must have the following columns:
{'trip_id', 'trip_pickup_address', 'trip_pickup_time', 'trip_pickup_lat', 'trip_pickup_lon', 'trip_dropoff_address', 'trip_dropoff_time', 'trip_dropoff_lat', 'trip_dropoff_lon', 'trip_los', 'trip_miles', 'merge_flag', 'trip_revenue'}
Every patient must have the same trip_id
except for the final
character. The final character of the string must indicate the relative
order in which the trips must be completed. The final character of the
must be either 'A' , 'B' , or 'C'
The CSV Parser takes a CSV of input trips with the following header:
to produce the trip assignments.
This is a parser used to parse the PDFs from LogistiCare with its proprietary formatting.