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-A reference guide to the components of the RichFaces 4 framework
+A reference guide to the components of the RichFaces 5 framework
- This book details each component in the RichFaces 4 framework, including examples of their use in applications.
+ This book details each component in the RichFaces 5 framework, including examples of their use in applications.
diff --git a/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/Component_Reference.asciidoc b/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/Component_Reference.asciidoc
index 8b855c05..8407b849 100644
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+++ b/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/Component_Reference.asciidoc
@@ -6556,6 +6556,155 @@ Read this chapter for details on components that display messages and other feed
+=== [sgmltag]++
+The [sgmltag]++ component allows the user to plot data and to create line, bar or pie charts. It uses up to five children tags [sgmltag]++, [sgmltag]++, [sgmltag]++, [sgmltag]++ and [sgmltag]++. Each child tag customizes a particular aspect of the chart. All are optional except at least one [sgmltag]++ tag is required.
+Additionally the [sgml]++ component allows one to handle events using either a client-side JavaScript or using server-side listeners.
+.r:chart component
+==== Basic usage
+The [sgmltag]++ tag and its optional children tags generate and customize the chart. The chart type is selected by a [sgmltag]++ attribute. The only requirements for use of the [sgmltag]++ are selection of the chart type and to pass at least one series of data - explained below.
+==== Data input
+The [sgmltag]++ component accepts data by two means - by facelet iteration or by creating data model object.
+===== Facelet iteration
+Use [sgmltag]++ and a collection of objects inside the [sgmltag]++ tag and specify what you want to be plotted on the x and y axis using [sgmltag]++ tag. The [sgmltag]++ approach can also be used at the [sgmltag]++ level.
+.r:chart facelet iteration example
+[source, XML]
+===== Create a DataModel object
+When facelet iteration is used the ChartDataModel object is created by the ChartRenderer. An alternative to this is to create a ChratDataModel yourself and pass it using [sgmltag]++ data attribute. To do this, create an instance one of the child classes of ChartDataModel - NumberChartDataModel, StringChartDataModel or DateChartDataModel (not yet fully supported). Select the class according to the data type used on the x-axis. Add values to the model using the put method and pass it to the [sgmltag]++ tag using the data attribute.
+.r:chart DataModel object example
+[source, XML]
+cars = new StringChartDataModel(ChartDataModel.ChartType.bar);
+cars.put("San Marino", 1263);
+cars.put("United States", 797);
+If there is a model passed using the [sgmltag]++ data attribute, any nested [sgmltag]++ tags are ignored. If the data attribute is not used, then nested [sgmltag]++ tags are expected.
+==== Chart look customization
+The chart configuration is split into multiple tags provide a more clear facelet API. To configure axes, their min/max values, and label use [sgmltag]++ or [sgmltag]++ tag. The [sgmltag]++ allows one to set up the position of the legend and the order of the labels within it.
+To adjust the chart component size you can use CSS class .chart-container, to customize title use .chart-title the placeholder. The chart itself is placed in the div with the CSS class +.chart+.
+==== Interactivity options
+The [sgmltag]++ component does not only create static charts.
+* It allows the user to zoom line charts when the [sgmltag]++ attribute zoom is set true. To reset zoom you can use the JavaScript API.
+* You can also add functions to handle events fired by components. Event handlers are set up using proper [sgmltag]++ attributes. They handle events fired by any series. If you want to handle an event only fired by a particular series, set up handlers using the [sgmltag]++ attributes.
+==== [sgmltag]++ server-side events
+* The [varname]+PlotClickEvent+ is fired when the user clicks a point in the chart. To set a listner use the [varname]+plotClickListener+ attribute.
+==== [sgmltag]++ client-side events
+* The [varname]+plothover+ event points to the client-side function to execute when the mouse cursor is over the chart point.
+* The [varname]+plotclick+ event points to the client-side function to execute when the user clicks the chart point.
+* The [varname]+mouseout+ event points to the cient-side function to execute when the mouse cursor leaves the chart grid.
+The plothover and plotclick handlers are given an event-object that contains the deatils of which point fired the event.
+[source, JavaScript]
+function log(e){
+ console.log("Series index: "+
+ e.data.seriesIndex +" DataIndex: "+
+ e.data.dataIndex+' ['+e.data.x+','+e.data.y+']');
+==== JavaScript API
+To access the jQuery widget of the component, use the componentID + chart
+[function]+resetZoom()+:: display chart without scaling
+[function]+getPlotObject()+:: returns JavaScript object containing chart data and options
+[source, XML]
+[source, JavaScript]
+==== Reference data
+* [parameter]+component-type+:
+* [parameter]+component-class+:
+* [parameter]+component-family+:
+* [parameter]+renderer-type+:
=== [sgmltag]++
The [sgmltag]++ component renders a single [classname]+FacesMessage+ message instance added for the component. The appearance of the message can be customized, and tool-tips can be used for further information about the message.
diff --git a/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/images/figu-Component_Reference-chart-chart_component.png b/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/images/figu-Component_Reference-chart-chart_component.png
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