- An intelligent medical symptom checker app. Online checkup that means you avoid waiting weeks to see a GP for initial triage
- Patient counter (visits)
- Terms of service / disclaimer
- Statement on data being safe and anonymous - patient confidentiality
- Rate the service and provide comments on how to improve
- Website to ask you spoken questions via voice rather than written word
- Login to save your checkup results for sharing with your GP - can it be sent to your GP? Or just download to your phone to show your GP?
- Login/register via email address
- Login with Facebook
- Login with Twitter
- Show as you type suggestions for symptom search
- Make an appointment with your GP? - ideally via the website, but a phone call to your GP would work too
- SMS reminders of appointment
- Find local health institutions in your area for follow-up: filter a map to show pharmacies / hospitals / walk-in centres
- Video conference with an actual GP for medical validation of diagnosis
- Infermedica API - have requested access. Needs to be granted in order to use it
- DialogFlow API for chatbot AI?? Do I even need to use this?
- Conversational User Interface: TalkJS API for the Conversational User Interface
- Further information on the diagnosis:
- Google Places API for plotting hospitals / gp walk-in centres on a map?
iconography copy colorscheme fonts layout animations