New to Universum? See the Universum (World Computer) White Paper!
universum - next generation ethereum 2.0 world computer runtime - run contract scripts / transactions in plain vanilla / standard ruby on the blockchain - update the (contract-protected / isolated) world states with plain vanilla / standard SQL
universum-contracts - universum blockhain contract / transaction scripts (in plain vanilla / standard ruby) for the next generation ethereum 2.0 world computer
safestruct - safe data structures (array, hash, struct) - say goodbye to null / nil (and maybe) - say hello to zero
pragmas - language syntax pragmas - turn on the future today or add your own ideas for easy (re)use for everyone - let's evolve the ruby language together by experimenting in the wild in a pragma(tic) way
units-time - units of time (in epoch time) incl. seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, fortnights, years and more
units-money - units of (crypto) money (in integer) incl. ether / eth (finney, szabo, shannon, lovelace, babbage, wei), bitcoin / btc (satoshi), sol (terra, luna) and more
ruby-to-solidity - (secure) ruby to solidity (source-to-source) cross-compiler cheat sheet / white paper
ruby-to-michelson - (secure) ruby to liquidity w/ reasonml syntax / michelson (source-to-source) cross-compiler cheat sheet / white paper
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