This is a application framework that use python Django-framework. This framework is created to quickly prototype web applications and show some good practices.
This framework is built to quickly develop web applications and shoul not be used for commercial applications. I created this to quickly and easily build applications to show the proof of concept.
You can start the application in few minutes and start bulilding applications. This is to be used only for educational purpose and not suited for commercial application.
If you want to use it to deploy commercial applications, please contact the author.
You can clone or fork the main repo and start building your app in few minutes.
Run the following commands
git clone
cd LearnDjango
pip install -r requirements.txt
make run
If everything works as expected, you may navigate to http://localhost:8003
Now you have the base app working, you can start building your app. see the videos and other documentations below.
# Option to create a venv
python3.12 -m venv ~/venv/py312
alias py312="source ~/venv/py312/bin/activate"
#add this to your ~/.aliases
echo 'alias py312="source ~/venv/py312/bin/activate"' >> ~/.aliases
- See here for more info
Make a copy of example_app
cp -R example_app myapp
mv myapp ..
ln -s ../myapp .
#save your my app to git and manage it
Now when you run it my_app will be included automatically
- edit myapp/env and adjust the port etc.
- edit myapp/application_context/ to adjust the settings for your app
when you source myapp/env and run 'make run' - application will automatically setup the environments to your application