Via the UI, SAS Enterprise Guide supports only the HTTPS to connect to a Git server. This means you will need to supply a username and password. But since SAS Enterprise Guide uses a local Git client install for all Git operations, you can use any valid connection mechanism for Git integration.
We don't want to supply our real password in the SAS Enterprise Guide settings, but systems like GitHub and GitLab allow for Personal Access Tokens -- a special token that acts like a password but you can scope its access, set an expiration, and revoke it at any time.
If you have 2-factor authentication set up, or single-signon through your org, then you must use a Personal Access Token to connect.
Your authenticated connection is important for certain operations. These include Push and any access to private (non-public) repositories. The authentication isn't needed for local operations like Commit, Stage, and even Clone (for public repositories).
Before you add your profile:
First, you must use the GitHub site to define a personal access token by following GitHub's instructions .
You must copy your token to the clipboard, and I recommend saving it somewhere safe in a text file or secure note. GitHub will not show you the value again!
To create a profile in SAS Enterprise Guide, select Tools->Manage Git Connections. Specify a Profile name (ex: GitHub), username (your GitHub id), email and password (your personal access token).